I have 2 profiles on XBL. I bought the maps on release date. Both profiles loaded the maps. Now only the one that paid for the maps can load them. Can anyone help me? Why arent these maps on my hard drive? What to should I do?
Both of them should load the maps because the only place that can store them is your hard drive. If it's not loading on the second one, try going back to the main menu and load your files again.. it should work..
When my DLC maps don't load, I go back and redownload them. It takes a couple seconds - it jumps to 99% done right away. And afterwards, I find my maps are back.
I've found that if you wait until the 'Start/Continue Solo Mission' lights up from it's initial darker shade, the DLC maps will be there. Every time I've tried to get into Forge before that, they are mysteriously absent.
My DLC maps never show until I go into Forge/Customs/Theater and wait for the "Loading custom content" thing that pops up whenever I select a gametype/map/clip finishes loading. After, the maps appear, but sometimes I have to go back to the main menu.
if youve tried a bunch of stuff and it doesnt work try this. sign in both profiles with two controllers and the get into the lobby you need to and make sure both are signed in then make the one you dont want to use sign out and the other one should be able to play