Desolation Created by fatalityz PART OF THE IMMERSION MAP PACK (Desolation, containment, BR city-under contsruction) Skip the reading and check out the slideshow Download Desolation Midship inspired, short/mid-range 2 v 2 map MADE FOR GAMEPLAY One-hundred years after the wars against the covenant, the humans have fallen back into their normal routines; including exchange of credit. Once again, entertainment is big business and one of the main suppliers is death defying D.M studios. D.M studios has invented a new technology that gives people the ability to re-spawn in any size arena. With this advanced technology, they have formed the biggest sport ever created. With over twelve billion viewers galaxy wide, they have become the ultimatum in entertainment, thus giving them the resources needed to build any arena they could imagine. This was an elite practice installation that was in the middle of a covenant CCS Class Battle Cruiser, which crash landed on earth, after being bombarded by a hail of human MAC gun fire. D.M Studios have dissected the ship and transformed multiple rooms into courts of dueling. This particular assembly is specified for championship-level, one vs. one and two vs. two matches. Map Description: Intense mid/short range dueling, where you must control the high grounds to be victorious. This is a very small map but feels like a larger map, with many nooks to retreat into and great ways to sneak around behind your opponents, but always be wary of grenades which can easily take you out of hiding. There are two small symmetrical bases with two asymmetrical "towers" between them (much like midship, where you have "pink tower" [A tower] and "carbine side" [B tower]). Ibelieve Ihave buffed carbine side to be easier to control the map from, but pink tower is still the main tower to dominate opposition from. The high grounds of the map, where the mauler spawns "A"tower, a.k.a power tower "B" tower, featuring a carbine and mancannon Coming out the mancannon Top level of one of the smaller symmetrical bases Looking from the bottom of the same base at a grav lift towards "A" tower Inside the same base looking down a hall at the mancannon at "B" tower Dominating points: The basic dominating point First person view from that same point A spot above the doors to the right of the center of the screen High ground versus low ground(right vs left) Chillin on the crane This map is made for 2 v 2, but despite it’s small size, it can handle a 4 v 4 (because of the extensive amount of covers.) Also, the max is a 5 player FFA. Here’s a list of compatible gametypes: Any slayer (obviously) Multi flag CTF Neutral assault or 1 sided assault Territories King of the hill Oddball The best things in this map is how many covers there are, but you can almost always get naded out of cover quite easily, this creates situations where you must frantically run from one cover to a better cover and hope your teammates can mop up the kills. Regardless of the small size, this map plays like a much bigger map, it may seem as though it might be too open, but the use of the right amount of covers makes it pretty much perfect. There’s one mancannon that launches you up to the top centerpiece, where the mauler is floating, (I tried using sword/shotgun and they dominate so badly that I couldn’t put them in) and two gravity lifts for carrying you into the base/A tower, or between the bases to A tower. There’s quite a few "nooks and crannies" to hide in and surprise your opponents with a swift kill. Getting across the map is fast, but it’s not easy to do without dying. The games in this are fast paced and usually end up being exciting, close games. Here’s a list of the weapons, grenades, and equipment with the corresponding spawn times: 2x battle rifles;2 clips; 30 seconds 1x carbine;2 clips; 30 seconds 8x plasma grenade; 20 seconds 3x frag grenade : 20 seconds 1x mauler; 1 spare clip; 180 seconds 1x regenerator; 180 seconds I was psyched upon the first times playing this, as I have put in a lot of hours into it. I didn’t really count the hours of work on any of my maps, I just did it. I guarantee a great 2 v 2 experience or your money back. Download Desolation Again this is part of the Immersion Map Pack which includes: BR city (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Desolation Containment If you liked this map I’d like it if you would check out my other map =)
wow, that middle circle in the bridge blew my mind when i saw this! looks great, 5/5, although if your doing a "Map Pack" you should probly post them all in one thread, just a suggestion
with a name like desolation you know its good. 5/5 i love the interlocking in the map and the central route to the middle
this looks awesome! ill dl when i get the chance (prolly tomorrow) since im still workin on my embedded pics, its startin to annoy me
yeah i could really see midship in there. great interlocking your map looks very clean and too like center where the fence walls are at. good job
wow man i just commented ur containment map and i really liked that one... until i saw this one lol. the attention to detail is suberb and once again ur interlocking is top notch. i think this is a REALLY great map ima DL and comment back after ive played it 5/5
great layout, sweet lookin asthetics and an awesome gameplay. my only suggestion is in all future maps, flip your bridges. they look SOOO much better.
really nice map and post for a member with only 14 posts. pretty good interlocking, i like the fence walls that are interlocked. it seems like a decent 2v2 map. But it seems like you aren't really involved in the forums if you joined in februrary.
idk, i kinda feel like no1 respects u if u dont have maps, so i just worked on those thx for the comments
i 1v1'ed you on this map its sick =D lets do it again! i love the layout but i still dont see midship in it =P
Looks amazing, the center structer is interlocked amazingly well. I like the interlocking everywhere else, too.