ok, i'm currently making a puzzle map, but i can never seem to fully block a teleporter, i've tried placing it(receiver) upside down into the floor then placing a moveable object ontop of it, but it still doesn't block it, i tried using a crate, still doesn't work, am i missing something?
Ok, well, teleporters are 2 people high, you need to stack 2 crates ontop of it, then people can't go through it... Or try sinking your sender node halfway into the ground (the bottom side of it still visible), this will make it so that the player can't go through ontop of your box
i would do that, but how would it get unblocked by an expolsion(fusion coil) becuase at some point it needs to be unblocked. thanks for the reply though
Teleporter Blocking Problem Response Ya, I had the same problem when I first made a puzzle map. All I did was put a teleporter up-right, and put the crate in the teleporter, snug, and neatly, and when people played, they had to hit it out with a sword or melee. Hope I could help -AZ