Hello my wonderful friends at ForgeHub! I would like to introduce my new map, Stormgooses! My first map here on ForgeHub sucked, and you, as the community made it obvious. So I decided to rethink the way I did things. I really liked Bungie 500, and a lot of other race maps. So i decided to make my own; may I present Stromgooses! Teh Pics Here is an overview of the map, with its main feature, a fully interlocked banking turn! This turn took me about 2 hours to complete because if I didn't get the angles right, the whole course would be off. Another overview of the backside of the course, this section took me about 3 hours to get just right. Here is the spawn box, with 6 mongooses (mongeese?) ready for your work! Inside is me, my brother in green, and my friend in yellow. The penalty box where all of you cheaters (and I know you are out there!) go when you go into a teleporter. My personal favorite, the first turn! It took me 2 hours as I said before, and here is the end result. This is turn two, where you go into the tunnel. I could not get pictures of the tunnel because of the stupid 50 picture limit (CURSE YOU BUNGIE!!!!) I am in red and my friend, x9sandmanx9 is in yellow. The jump that allows you to score, and because of the grav lift placement, you cannot go back into the scoring zone. At last, we can go back into the first turn, therefore starting the race over again. And there she is, ladies and gentlemen! I feel as if this is my finest work, and I will always accept criticism, as long as it helps me make better maps. Here are the links to download. NOTE!:: THE GAMETYPE NB 275 IS REQUIRED TO PLAY!!!!!!! MAP::: Download Map Download Gametype thanks to my brother (who does not have a gt) and x9sandmanx9 for helpin me test and build this map. it couldn't be done without you!
yea the pics the first turn 2 hours i can do that in 20 mins tops and a good job i think that your story is false and i am not dowloading i think it is not bad map
Wow, that was a lil harsh. who cares how long it took him if he got it done. and nobody else say anything about his pics. he gets he has an issue and if hes smart im sure hes scrambling to fix them. from what i can see the map looks just so-so
thank you shatakai, the embed thing isnt working on my comp, so its startin to tick me off, and im doin everything i can to get it right with the pics, they just dont like me at imageshack OR tinypic for that matter
dude don't be so harsh just tell him what he can improve not saying that his map sucks like you didnt say but meant My opinion is that it looks very nice when you click on pics but next time i would try to enlarge the pictures but overall very nice 3.5/5
thx napalm, once again the hosting =sites must not like someone with a name that starts with sa- and ends with -bian
yeah dude this map would be great with big pics so what you do (u av probably been told heaps but i had the same problim as you so heres how) you sign up to photobucket (<- click) and upload image, set image size (i use the default one cos its fine) and upload. u can upload more than one at a time and its free. get IMG code and paste on thread then chaching u got big pics. i hope this helped and keep forging race maps cos i likem adios liamjedimaster
It looks like a fun map, I like the banked turn. I give you a 3.75/5 just cuz the looks aren't all that great
thx killamanjaro, i wasn't really goin for aesthetics, i was goin for playability, and fun factor too. thx for all the feedback guys
The bank turn looks a little ruff. I take it this is your first race map? If it is, this isn't bad at all. Things could be interlocked a little better and the bank turn could be smoother. I think you will pick these things up over time. Also, most people don't like single wide areas, try to make it as double wide as possible. My first race track needed a lot of improving, probably more than this, but I never posted that one. I learned a lot since then.
hay looks fun but i like a track with speed if u could make the track wieder it will be better coll track anyway
your right jbarron, this is my first race map, i just wanted to see if i liked this type of map more than competitive maps, and i think i know how i could improve my next race map.