i downloaded this a long time ago and loved it. i have a lot of mexican friends that thought it was a funny name too...
hmmmm... I cant decide what to rate this, as it is not original but is pretty fun when you start playing... I say 4/5, and try to get a better idea next time (less racial maybe?)
I know lol, but the idea came from a mexican friend, then couldn't resist making it = ). But yes it's been overdone. But call the bomb guy in the game the "Alpha Mexican" my mexican friend made that up too lol.
I never knew mexico had a border...... lol I have actually played this before on some random custom game but i was playing infection, it's a good idea and i've never seen it before so wtf.
Don't double post. The map is okay, but it really is a lot like the other border crossing games. Border patrol people can also lob a grenade into where the mongeese are andblow them up so the border crossers can't get through. I also still hate that people name the maps something to do with Mexico. Even if the people that make it do it just for fun, and aren't really racist, people post racist things in the thread.
just so u know, the border is a chainlink fence. i know trust me i live in texas near border!!!so i would change it, but thats me
Yah I know lol. But there's holes, cut outs, and other things too. And for lack of fence walls...yah.
the idea of mexican border was done in like the first 5 weeks of halo 3 being realeased, but i haver never seen it like this, through the wall and hoever gets the turret will get mvp for sure