I've seen a few bumper car maps, but this one is the best. It seems well thought out and the central pit is good. The interlocking is wonderful, and the spectator stand was also a nice touch haha. good job.
Very well thought out map. I love mini game maps. I know that this has been done before, but this is by far the best I have seen.
Sweet I like. made it so we are invulnerable so no honour rule neede. I love gametype maps like this that have been made so that they actually work and dont need to be played and imaginged like DnD (though i love it, but if i wanted to play it, i would >_>) well done. DL'd
looks interesting but the game fails if theres more than 8 people in the party. if thats the case i think monster trucks is still better. but this is perfect for 2-8 ppl
Shouldn't you fill the pits with explosives so if they fall in they can die and respawn+ what happens if they fall off the side.
dude nice job interlocking, i like the floatinf box where the players can go it is also built nicly. i never have played bumpercars but this makes me want to, i would probly drive off the edge lol.
i really like the ook of this and the interloking id great. i acually was goin to do this a long lon time ago but i decided no to.. you should maybe make a v2 on black out that would be interesting.
Epic 1337 amazing sweetness! Definately way better than the bumper cars with the mongooses and shield doors on the side that wasn't interlocked. This map is interlockd, with ghosts, and no shield doors hoooray for sweman