Sniper Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tropicalbert, Jun 1, 2008.


What is you're favorite weapon for far range shots?

  1. Sniper Rifle

    2 vote(s)
  2. Beam Rifle

    3 vote(s)
  3. Spartan Laser

    0 vote(s)
  4. Shotgun

    1 vote(s)
  1. tropicalbert

    tropicalbert Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello, the other day I had and idea. Why not make a sniper map? I've been looking around forge hub and I haven't found a GOOD map for sniping. By that I mean a Team Sniper based map. So I'm willing to create one... If anyone can just throw out :)ideas:) that would be great and I would give credit to you when I finish the map.
    My gamertag is tropicalbert.
  2. Novak

    Novak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have lots of places to drop down when getting shot at, and a lot of double jump/ghost edge jumps, or just tactical jumps to get around the map fast. Also have poeple spawn down low so they have to work their way to the top
  3. W0mbatman

    W0mbatman Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Towers are always a good addition. Think of maps from H2 like Ascention, Lockout, Ivory Tower, and Tombstone. All great snipe maps, and all of them had high structures to perch in as well as take cover in.

    One other thing to mention that they all had in common was a large open space toward the center of the map. They were deadly to cross, but they would often result in fairly awesome battles. Although if you're making a map based solely around sniping, put more cover in those open areas that you normally would.

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