hello fill the owner here with his 5th map but this isn't just one map its... 3 MAPS the chaotic map pack witch consists of delation, rotation and RAGE IN CAGE so lets start with DELATION this map is a medium map witch is a little town witch includes a shack with a secret back entrance, a apartment witch you cant go in but you can go up the fire escape and go to the top, four alley ways, a building with the front blown up and if you go to the back you can go up the stair way and it has a balcony,and a building with th back blown off but you can get to the balcony WEAPONS sniper rifle x2 rocket launcher 0 extra rounds needler shotgun 0 extra clips br smg turret POWERUPS power drainer overshields plasma gernades VHEICLES warthog mongoose PICS: over veiw front blown up building apartment shack building with back blown up action screens nothin funner then shoting in a store fighting in a alley way fighting in the center fighting in a nother alley way that close to a head shot now for the second map RAG IN THE CAGE now this is pretty simple it is one cage but must be played with whack a molewitch has grav hammers swords and no gravity high speed pic now for the last map rotation this is a small map with a middle area with a doug out in the middle, a large hallway to two teleporters a small hallway going around a area you cant get in and a large open area the pics explain all WEaPONS spiker needler smg br POWERUPS bubble sheild regenerator flare PICS overveiw ok now in this pic you can see the middle area in the back the hallway in the middle of this pic the dougout and in the bottom the large open area in the side is a teleporter and the hallway action pics owned by a smg
nice map pack i love the second and third one love the interlocking of the objects mostly in the 3 one you have my dl for those 4.5/5 for the second one i would add more screen shots cause i dont quite get the plot of it but if you use gravs ill totally dl it
the first map delation looks too open but fun for res swat(where if you die you dont come back), rag in the cage looks basic and chaotic fun, the last one rotation looks wicked fun i like enclosed maps with lots of interlocking, this map pack gets a 3/5