^^^^^^^ There is no gametype because normal team slayer will work fine! This is my first map so go easy on me please! The map is located on Blackout Also it supports up to 16 players but recommended is 4v4 or 5v5 This map i created for Team Slayer games only, but i will update to other gametypes later like CTF! Description: This map has many, many power weapons, but can u find them all ?? On my map I have hidden several different weapons. The list of weapons are at the bottom of the post! So while your killing your best friend or enemy keep your eyes open for weapons! I have to say lots of these weapons are incredibly hard to find! Oh and dont worry about any spawn killing because ive placed 100 respawn points on the map! Yes 100! Now on to the pictures: Overview Hidden Brute Shot Hidden Fuel Rod Gun Isn't Basketball Fun! Flame Thrower Gravity Hammer and Bubble Shield Rolling Barrels The list of weapons: Gravity Hammer Spikers Sniper Rifle Carbine BR Assault Rifle ShotGun Energy Sword Fuel Rod Gun Magnums maulers Spartan Laser Brute Shot Flame Thrower Needler Plasma Rifles Sentinal Beam Smg's Rocket Launcher ^^^^^^^^^^^ ALL OF WHICH ARE HIDDEN EXCEPT FOR THE GRAVITY HAMMER! I believe thats all them.. Well all the ones i could find lol. See they are pretty well hidden! Hope you like the map Peace Special Thanks to Many Popes because he told me exactly how to embed my images! Thanks!
Pics dont work, make sure you save the pics on your computer then upload them to photobucket or imageshack then embed using IMG code.
Please don't double post, just edit old post. Umm, are you using photobucket? I'de use imageshack because every time screenshots don't work it seems to be photobucket. Instead of using set codes just right click on picture, select properties, then copy and paste the url straight into the "insert picture" button. That should work.
Really? Cuz when ever I have seen someone having trouble with there pics they were using imageshack. Besides I have always found photobucket to be more use friendly.
If you don't give a link to an actual thread on Bnet, give a link to the individual submission from your FS. Here is that link for you: Now, to post it to the Forums, simply go to your FileShare and click "Discuss" on the item you wish to post. Hope that helps, bro.
ok seriously how did u get that!! link u sent!! I dont understand how to make it an individual submission of my file share ... please explain and i can improve my map! and im a girl NOT a bro!!!.......... lol jk jk Im a guy hehehe i tricked u, but seriously can u help ??
Certainly! Simply click on the object from your FileShare. It'll take you to a page that is specific for that item, but not a thread. I've started doing this for my maps, as posting threads on Bnet is frivilous.
its good for ur first map buttheres alot of weapons for a small area, i love the rolling barrels and the idea of hidden weapons.
i had to because honestly u wont find half of them so i needed lots of them! Ok i dont have anymore problems with pictures so no one has to worry! this was my first post so the pics arent perfect! I have another post on the casual maps called Heli Attack that post is alot better! Check it out
ok dude you have the same problem I had and this is what i did: Step 1 - go to your Bungie service record and find all your screenshots, open each one up individually so that you're viewing it in the largest size possible, and save each one individually to your desktop Step 2 - make an account on photobucket if you haven't already Step 3 - make a new album to store your pics in Step 4 - in the upload image and video box insert all of your pics and the skip the part where you add tags to your pictures Step 5 - once you're in your new album, open up each image to make sure they're as large as possible Step 6 - now go back to the album so you can see the thumbnails of all your pics and you should see like 4 different boxes with links in them under each pic Step 7 - click the bottom link (the one that says IMG code) and it should say 'copy' then go to your thread on Forgehub and click Edit>Paste, do this for each picture and voila! Your thread has nice pictures Hope this helps EDIT: Looks like you already figured it out (I actually started typing this response out at 4:20PM but didn't finish until 2:20AM cus I went to a Chicago Rush Arena Football Game with my friends)
.... if only this was infection. This looks more like a casual map, as having 1 of every weapon in the game 'hidden' around the map doesnt really make it very competitive. Its a cool idea, but unless the 'hidden' weapons are in balanced places (ex. rocket and fuel rod are opposite sidess of the map, and all the bad weapons arent all beside eachother) then this looks like this would be a little one-sided.
looks like a good first post *better than mine anyway* also looks fun to play. Keep makeing good maps. Peace.