Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies as far away as possible. Story:Day 1: I have crash landed on an unknown planet with the rest of my team. We are scientists on a mission to examine the contents of Halo's soil. The pressure caused a hole to form in our ship and we were forced to crash land on this unknown planet. We are armed with only our Magnums. Although we have no visual evidence, we believe there is life on this planet. We have decided to remain in our ship for today. Day 3: Yesterday we had 2 of our members explore the planet. We received this before their radio went dead- "Did you hear that? I think I heard something. Check over there. There's nothing. *bump* What was that? OH GOD! *slash*---*heavy breathing* *ROAR*." We believe they are dead. I have named the locals 'Ligos Artemis' which, in Greek, means 'Little Artemis.' Artemis is the goddess of the hunt. Some others in our party have discovered that anything that dies on this planet instantly transforms into one of the Ligos Artemis. It is not safe here at the ship. We will try to establish a safer camp in the morning. Description: This is an infection only map. It must be played with the 'Unknown World' gametype. I set this map up so no weapon/fort is overpowered. I got tired of infection maps where the humans would just camp. Also, I got tired of the zombies being limited to swords. This is just overall something new. Every base has its strong points and weak points. DO NOT REMOVE TURRETS. They never respawn. The two main bases each have a vehicle. These work well for weapon recons. When the explosives go off and the light changes, it is night (for that planet; basically, color changes). The crates and boxes thrown around are to represent the lost cargo and ship parts during the crash. Gameplay: Zombies: The zombies spawn in a cage and are released after 30 seconds. They are fast and jump high. They hold a sword and an SMG. Their damage is low as well. Humans: They spawn inside their ship. 2 Mongooses are right outside of the ship. There are structures placed throughout the map, all having their advantages and disadvantages. NO SINGLE STRUCTURE/CAMP IS OVERPOWERED! Teamwork it vital. If you go alone you will be dominated by the zombies. Have fun. I am open to any and all suggestions/constructive criticism. Download Map Download Gametype Zombie Spawn Human Ship Working Engine Overview of Half of the Map Turret Tower/Long Bridge This is the sound of the Zombies' awakening Sentinel Beam Red base BR spawn. Be careful- Zombies can easily ambush you. Blue base Beam Rifle Mongoose spawn Zombies can use these ledges to sneak attack from below Zombie spawn Download Map Download Gametype
looks really good, the use of forge filter to make an alien effect would be cool, but nothin too huge. the ship looks good, and I like the fair infection madness that I have almost never seen
this is the first time i saw a space ship thats is just floating in the air doing nothing, it looks like a cool map to explore while your getting chased by zombies, p.s the senital bridge is such a cool idea 5/5
Looks awsome to play, The only thing is some parts looked a little sloppy, The little parts You did at the end most likely. Just try to make it a little neater next time. Still looks fun to play and an awsome map. Keep it up. Peace.
This map is truly beauiful in every shape or from ,and I mean it.This is proablly the best infection map on avalanche or ever.You used a HUGE map and made every place feel cozy.The fictional story was a great addition to the amzing map.I really like how no place is overpowered or one sided.This will obviously be played in the upcoming TGIF's and I will always play this with a full party.15/10.
is there any worthogs by the bases i dont see a lot of gameplay i thinks it is too open maybe hlaf the map it is just like avalanche just some things throw in 3/5
Thanks. I'm gonna try to test it with a full party this weekend and see how people like it. So far, it has been fun with up to 12 people.
Looks cool although you might want to add the colorblind filter so your ship doesn't look all multicolored because of the ugly containers bungie gave us lol
Thanks for all the nice comments guys. but can you tell me about what you think can be improved? EDIT: Also, just so you all know, the beam rifle tower is definitely the least defended tower, but it is worth it since the beam rifle starts with full energy (ammo?) and will last very long.
Will consider. It actually isn't wide open. There are two "no-man's-lands" but there is really no reason to go there. Most of the map that doesn't have a fort has the crates scattered to portray the lost cargo
this looks awsome, very well planned out and built, nice backstory, and i especially like that energy bridge you made, very original