I would like to fix the Testing Section

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by chrstphrbrnnn, May 30, 2008.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    As my title says, I would like to make the testing section work. I'm sure that I'll get "this should be in CS", but I think I'll get a better response here and this is still "discussing" forge. Basically, I want to do want was already done and set up "apply to get your map tested". Though I would rather have people post topics, go into them, test and report. Have the testing section move along at a pace that it should.

    I have to say, I'm probably better at testing maps than forging them. I know I don't have much of a presence here, as I haven't released any of my maps..but thats just due to fear of rejection:). My plan is to test a few maps a day, I don't really have a certain number that I plan on doing..but I know for a fact that every day from 330pm Atlantic-5 I can test. Theres usually only 1-2 days a week I cannot test after five because I work.

    Bug testing, map breaking I can do on my own..and I pride myself on my breaking map skills:). Gameplay tests I will need others, and this is the main purpose of this topic.

    I'm going to need experienced players for this. Experience forgers or experience haloers. Most maps are small in size and can be done with a relative 3v3. So I guess if any of the more experience people (I stress experienced because I have tested with less so, and theyre suggestions weren't exactly..what they should have been). If you would like to help, please say so and we'll play a few maps and see whats up.

    For now, I think things are going to be more casual. I've started leaving my name in the test threads a bit. I'm usually near a computer and can almost always get on and I have no problems helping out. If things start to go well, I get a few people involved I would like to set up something more formal.

    Basically, I find the testing section slow and frustrating. I know there were once people who did this, but it seems to be grinding to a halt. I believe if we get through more testing, we will allow people to finish their masterpieces and get them posted. If this is completely not necessary, please tell me so and I will forget about this. I would just like to meet a few forge friends to help out with this, as my H3 friends aren't huge custom fans.

    Note: In 2-3 weeks I will be able to pick this up and go a lot easier than the moment. Exams and grad are coming up, but when summer hits I will be on a lot. Mods, if this is too inappropriate..please move. Sorry for the long post lol.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I read it all and it seems almost as an introduction more than a trying to help the testing section forum out.But I understand what you mean ,the map testing section no one takes serious and/or cares about.I would like to wake it up a bit ,like once you apply a map to be tested you have 6 people ready to play.It seems really good but we are a long way from that.
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Exactly, I wan't six ready and able people to go, test a map..and just hammer through em. Kinda style of the review team. Sure, It wouldn't even have to be everyday. I don't even bother with the map section because by the time u line up the people, you've lost the first two or three you had lined up to play.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    So true.So we should get a test team together why don't we start that me and you will be the like beginners of it and just get people.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Sounds good, If we are successful..maybe we'll have some people join us as well. I think if we can test like 2-3 maps a day/2 days we could make a good start. We'll play it by ear i guess. I have to work tomorrow, but monday ill be around.
  6. tropicalbert

    tropicalbert Ancient
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    If what you are looking for is a tester , I want to be one.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    MLG, I'm still looking to do this if you are still interested..ive just been super busy lately with end of term stuff. And tropical, I gotta see how you play sometime..it'll be a bit before I can do to much halo though.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well I can't now I have the Red Rings of Death =(.But my xbox is coming back around the 10th ,so then we''l be able to start this testing group.And we should actually make a group and a thread of testers and stuff me and you will be the starters who are gunna have to get people to join.I'll make a thread tonight or tomorow and make a list of testers ,group,rules,etc.
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Sounds good I'll add you to my FH friends list
  10. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Amen! I always post maps in the testing section and they never get tested! Something needs to be fixed!

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