DOWNLOAD Light3n DOWNLOAD MLG Light3n MLG FFA v5 MLG TS v5 MLG FFA not required, but recommended Assymetrical FFA/2v2/3v3/4v4 map. - By NovaK - 2-8 players This took me about 25-30 hours to make over the course of about 3 weeks. I first started planning out the layout when one of my friends said "Alright, well now why dont you make a good map" after we played on Pinnacle. A lot of people liked Pinnacle as an FFA, but it was too enclosed and there wasnt enough space to move around. Rockets dominated the map, and it was very narrow. It looked great, but it was lacking gameplay-wise. So I told him Id make the ultimate FFA map. For about an hour, I thought about what Id really like to see in an FFA map. Asymmetrically, with different "bases", with a central structure suspended out over the middle. I actually started making this before all the asymmetrical MLG maps started popping up, I just didnt work on it 12 hours a day like some of them did. I started off making the 'central structure', the semi-bridge suspended over the middle. After using up most of the boxes and walls on the central area and A bases, I had little left for the B base. I tried to be a little creative and decided to use some crates and signs, working with what I had. I tried to incorporate a lot of 'trick jumps' or tactical jumps that players could use to easily get out of sticky situations or get to power weapons quickly. Heres an example of one of the harder ones: Here are a few more, going from easiest to hardest. The more consecutive jumps you have to make the harder it is to pull off in an intense FFA. Since I already have 20 embedded pics, Ill have to link these, sorry. Jumping into bubble sheild box Jumping into sticky box; Very hard to pull off Launching off the fusion coils Alternate way to get up to sticky nades Another way to get up there The hardest way to get up to stickies, but also the least expected In the first playable version, the sword dominated the map. A lot of people complained about how one-sided it was, so I decided to throw in a flamethrower to go along with the sword. Canceling out the dominance of the sword, it almost "lights up the map". Thats not why I chose the name Light3n, but it fits it very well. In my opinion it turned out really well. Ive played about 10 FFAs on this (winning almost all of them, lolz) and everyone always had a good time. Please post any comments or criticism, just keep it nice. Ive had a few people try and get out, helping me find a few spots and I fixed them. There might be a way out using the crane, but I havent really looked into that so please tell me if you find something. I have almost nothing left to use, so Im gonna have to be creative if someone finds a way to break it. :: Weapons :: 1x0|0450secs0|20clips0|0Assault0Rifle 4x0|0450secs0|20clips0|0Battle0Rifle 2x0|0450secs0|20clips0|0Carbine 1x0|0450secs0|20clips0|0SMG 1x0|0450secs0|20clips0|0Plasma0Rifle 2x0|0600secs0|00clips0|0Mauler 1x0|0600secs0|10clips0|0Sniper0Rifle 1x0|0120 secs000000000|Energy0Sward 1x0|0120 secs000000000|Flamethrower :: Equipment :: 1x0|0600secs0|0Regen 1x0|0600secs0|0Bubble Shield 4x0|0100secs0|0Frag Grenade 4x0|0100secs0|0Plasma Grenade DOWNLOAD Light3n DOWNLOAD MLG Light3n MLG FFA v5 MLG TS v5 :: Pics :: Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Overview 4 Blue Wall Blue Spawn Red Wall Red Spawn Red side/Defenders Overview Spawning area protected from majority of the map Maulers and two-way teles Mauler/Tele Needlesmen. Needles spawn here Use these to jump up top, snipe spawns here Alternate view of fusion coil jump Spot the fusion coil jump takes you/sticky spawn Will he make it to the flamethrower, or get assassinated? Incinerated! DOWNLOAD Light3n DOWNLOAD MLG Light3n MLG FFA v5 MLG TS v5
yah novack showing them how we forge in GR woo, but back on subject nice interlocking i like the big snake thing very creative looks fun you got my DL 5/5
you know what? i think you just made your friend very happy! This looks like a great design with the rare occurance of a balanced map with a flamethrower in it. This map does exactly what it says on the box,"A great FFA map that makes MLG really fun for once!" 5/5, great job! Happy Forging! Desert Rat 852
Glad you like it. This isnt actually an MLG weapon set, but it plays best with the MLG settings (110% movement speed, 110% damage, etc.) so thats why I recommend downloading it. I knew the flamethrower would be a hit so I tried to find a way to stick it in when people complained about the sword Haha thanks man, glad you like it
I can understand that not everyone is gonna like it, but just saying '2/5 this is all that can be said- disapointing.' is disappointing. If you could at least say what you dont like about it, I would appreciate that
its chinese new year!!! w00t!! nice job on the dragon-snake-lizard-thing =) ill check it out when im not at the limit for dls
nice map ilove the interlocking i would like to see one more picture of the whole map but overall good job 4.5/5
It might look that way, but I spent a lot of time planning everything out. Everything is there for a purpose, just some things might not be as purposeful as others.
I don't know what it is about it, but it looks really messy. The snake thing doesn't look like it is fully interlocked. What I do like is the fusion coil jump. That seems awesome
kind of messy but other than that nice oh when geomerging keep walls around the object so its straight
KL nice map it looks like you spent a lot of time in to it i will be crying cause i can't do it as well "waah" "waah" "waah"
Nice interlocking, one of the smoothest maps I've seen, looks very competitive and great for FFA. Great job.
This map looks reaally unique and well planned. I love all of the tactical jumps and everything that makes this map what it is. Its just awesome. One thing though- You made it a point to inform readers of this, yet in your second picture- the sword is still there. OOPS! lol. Great job with the map, can't wait for a new one.