Wall of Alaska

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CTFx, Jun 1, 2008.


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  1. CTFx

    CTFx Ancient
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    Wall of Alaska

    This is my second map to submit on forge hub. This map has a backstory so please read it.

    Backstory: In 2741, Earth is still defending itself from invaders. Fuel sources were running extremely low, and most countiries were looking for other sources. Some countries like the U.S. and Germany created a water-based fuel source. Others tried to get a source from other worlds. Russia formed an alliance with a planet called Morphobia. Morphobia sold plasma based weapons and vehicles. The UNSC found out about it and invaded russia, creating the Third World War. Atomic Missles tore through country sides killing billions. The UNSC was not able to defeat Russia's complicated technology, and Morphpbia's masses of men. Soon, many countries either were taken or surrendered to the new alliance of the NEO, or the New Earth Order. All countries were soon under the NEO's grasp. The United States main land was taken, but Alaska and Hawaii still remained. Hawaii was bombarded with the last of the Atomic Bombs and only Alaska remained. The Alaskan United Defence created a giant wall to defend. AUD built the wall to hold of invaders whilist their Spartans and Elites killed them. The AUD will hold off for as long as they can, but they know they cant hold off forever. Millions of Men crossed the Bering Strait, heading for Alaska. You will stand in the shoes of the few Men defending the Wall of Alaska, you will hold them off as long as you can, but there is no way to win.

    Download Map: Wall of Alaska
    Download Gametype: Eternal Armies

    Defending Teams will have a massive array of AT weapons, some close range weapons, and Mid-Range Weapons. There are three Turret Towers to defend off of, but there are no vehicles.

    Attacking Teams have 2 Warthogs, 2 Ghosts, 1 Prowler, 1 Scorpian, 4 Banshees, 2 Wraiths, and 2 Choppers.

    There is a small opening at the base of the wall in front of the right most tower that NEO marytrs exploded. The AUD will replace it in 30 seconds, so they will aim for the gate in the middle. Alpha Zombie will start off with BR and sword,and zombies start with swords but can pick up ARs at theyre spawn point. Both of the teams can enter the vehicles, but Zombies have them right next to their spawn point.

    The Wall that you will be defending.

    Take up Machine Gun Positions and tear through the Enemy Lines.

    Destroy Enemy Vehicles and Lives at will.

    Beware of the banshees that can evade Missle Pods...

    ...Or not

    Defend your lives and Homes at all costs, even though you know you will fail.

    Special Thanks:
    Bungie, of course
    Forge Hub, lettin me show off my maps
    Spartanz117z, helpin me with action pics
    You, for downloading
    #1 CTFx, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  2. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    well I can see this is for infecion but seriously the zombies will die the moment yuo can see them because in the picture you have tons of people on turrets se yea to hard
  3. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    This is a pretty cool concept and fitting for the story...pretty one sided it seems and not too much out of the ordinary as far as gameplay goes though....what weapons do the assault teams have? other than the banshee of course...keep up the creative work!!!

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good idea i like downloading..... but this reminds me of helms deep in lord of the rings good job 4/5
  5. CTFx

    CTFx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got it cool nows
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    wait, whats different about the gametype because it looks too hard for the zombies
  7. CTFx

    CTFx Ancient
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    Its not too hard, you know how many vehicles they have? They have a scorpian that can kill a spartan in one hit.
  8. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks awsome
  9. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    CTFx, weapons were not listed in your post...please edit your post to include this info and it should help quite a bit for those of us who are deciding if we want to DL ur map...
  10. CTFx

    CTFx Ancient
    Senior Member

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