The Epic Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Arby, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    Hello all, this is my first time on Forge Hub after downloading a lot of maps from the community (so be nice :) ). I thought I should share some of my own maps that have been very, very popular with friends and I'd like to seek out the opinion of some professional forgers. (Click on the names to download).

    I named this "The Epic Map Pack" because all three maps are pretty much the definition of Epic ("of unusually great size or extent"), and they'll all best played with the Showdown CTF variant, but can be played with anything.


    This is a simplistic but highly addictive map. Two bases face each other down the central valley of Sandtrap. Each base has a large supply of vehicles and heavy weaponry, as well as a barricade to fend off attackers (due to the lack of objects in Sandtrap's forge, it is a fairly spartan barrier). Despite the sound of things, Stalemate is a very balanced map due to the plenty full supply of Spartan Lasers and Bubble Shields.



    The most aesthetically pleasing map of the three, Siege forces players into a bottleneck by sealing off the centre and pushing teams towards their (very grand) gates. Their is a large supply of vehicles on short respawns, as well as Lasers, Mines, Power Drains, Battle Rifles and many Shields of Bubbles to balance everything out. Also, am I the only one reminded of Jurassic Park by this map?



    First of all, I ask your forgiveness for such a generic, over-used name. I chose "Apocalypse" because of the constant explosions making travel through the centre of the map nearly impossible and highly entertaining to observers.


    This may seem like an immature 12-year-old-like concept, but the map is by far the most complex due mainly to the teleporters. These take some explaining, so please bear with me.


    The first ones are in both of the flag spawns, they send you to either of the floating platforms.


    The second stage (from all four of the nodes on top of the plat forms) will send you to either one of the built in bases (which I have littered with small objects and sealed off from outside intrusion), or to that receiver node you may have spotted right in the centre of explosionsville.


    The final teleport can be somewhat of an anticlimax. There is a 1 in 3 chance you will be transported to the side of the enemy's base, a 1 in 3 chance you'll be taken back to you own base and a 1 in 3 chance you will be dropped mercilessly onto one of the man cannons firing the fusion coils.

    These maps are great fun to play, whilst not being remotely as intricate as most of those on ForgeHub I am still very proud of them. Please leave all your thoughts for me to build on.
  2. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    wow these do look pretty epic especially siege i will dl and leave feedback
  3. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    You seem to have a very open map have done a great job but I don't see anything that stands out and sets each map apart from any other...I do like that you included all your maps oin the same post as a pack...rather than doing 3 individual postings...keep up the great work though...I look forward to seeing maps from you in the future!!
  4. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    That's a very good point. The problem with using these maps as a template is the lack of large objects to mould the level with. From the shots they do look a bit samey but they each have a different feel and play style. I am working on a foundry based CTF which is much more close quarters, if it turns out any good I'll post it (probably in the competitive section).
  5. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    yeah the look decent i may download siege it looks pretty cool to me.
  6. halosavior

    halosavior Ancient
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    Like the others said, these maps don't really have anything that stands out. The problem may be just the maps themselves because, really, foundry was probably the only map Bungie thought about when it came to forge. These maps do look promising if they work out.

    From the looks of it I just can't find a reason to download them mainly because they "look" the same.
  7. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    yeah i understand what you mean...glad you are working a variety of maps too...
  8. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    Understandable, but there is quite a difference between look and feel ;)
  9. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    so you should be its nice to see some FUN maps it brings me back to halo 1 lol most maps nowadays are over interlocked and foundry based whilst this is open free and most of all vehicle friendly, i think its interesting and looks fun good job 4/5 i would probably give 5/5 however some things could have been interlocked not nessicary but just some small things to improve the lookies :(
  10. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    Thanks :) I did try some with Apocalypse inside the bases but I ran out of money.
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Hello and welcome to forgehub! Your post is almost perfect except you left out one thing....PICTURES!! Show off your maps with pictures. It gives the community and idea of what your map looks like. My theory is More Pictures=More Downloads and what is wrong with a ton of downloads? Also, do not link pictures you definetly want to embed them. Welcome and I can't wait to see your future maps!
  12. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    Hi. Um, I did embed the images. They're big'uns at 1920x1080 so they take a while to download. Try refreshing the page.
  13. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    first of all i don't really see how these maps look that much alike. they seem to have very different styles. second of all, it's a map pack under a specific category so whatddya expect?

    the maps look really great I love the use of these big maps no one really makes these anymore so it's great to someone finally doing it. They all look like tons of fun, great job!
  14. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    looks really good especially the seige one because it forces the attackers to go through one spot
    (unless they have superpowers and can jump over it)
  15. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
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    Welcome to forgehub nice map my opinion is they look rather bland but i do think you spent a lotta time on this 3/5
  16. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    If you get a large party, these can keep you entertained for hours.
  17. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    like the "map pack" idea and the maps look good for big battles, but they arent the kind of maps for me. o well, keep forging :)
  18. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    you did a great job of making good playing open maps and I would like to some close quaters on foundry from you to see details. I find it very brave to post most likely (through looking) to open maps only because of their reputation and still calling them: the epic map pack, that was a moment of 'epic..., yeah right', but you did a great job.
    And for the others, yes it is a problem that everything is turning out to close-quater-maps and/or infection maps, so this isn't that bad and by the way I'm going to post a map pack of pretty open maps on foundry so there is hope.
    And again great job.
  19. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    I have made a Foundry CTF map, called Matrix that has got ****. It is a shame open maps are a minority because they can be so awesome if done right, but close quarter maps seem much easier to mould to the designer's specifications. I hope Bungie release a blank canvas map, like Foundry, but on a grander scale, like Sandtrap but just a flat blank square (with a HUGE budget).
  20. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    Looks sweet, i think ill try out siege.

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