So I thought I'd make an upside Grif Cannon: [img width=800 height=450][/img] Turns out you can use the top as a sort of Grif Cannon with objects (I dropped the ball on the top of them and it launched them) but it won't launch you! Just for fun, I decided to put a sideways gravity lift behind it and the soccer ball there, go on the other end and shoot it the soccer ball into the grav lift to kill yourself.
Interesting. I wonder if it would have any other uses besides killing yourself. Did you say that an upside down mancannon will launch objects upward, like normal, but will let you fall through? If so, that is very interesting. I wonder if anyone could do something innovative with that feature.
OOh! I have an idea for that. For example. There would be an instantly respawning pallet next to a shaft. On the bottom of the shaft there would be a upside down man cannon, inorder to take the "elevator"you must push the pallet on it and jump on to carry yourself up!
wow good idea. anyway i have made one of these before (not the elevator thing). u can acctually make it shoot soccor balls in random directions. i made a game where a zombie fired soccer balls and fusion coils at people. (i wish i didnt accidently save over it :'(
As far as the elevator goes, couldn't you just aim a man-cannon up a shaft and have people tip over a pallet into it? or would it eject the pallet too quickly?
Used in conjunction with a fence box facing up, and a man cannon at the bottom, you could, ideally, place the upside down man cannon to spit you out, an elevator of sorts.
I mean the upside down cannons will eject objects the same direction as if you were on the bottom, but not you. You could try to put a pallet on the top and jump on it to use it as one of those moving walkways they have at large airports. For example: [img width=800 height=450][/img]