Hammerfall Grifball Contest Community Vote

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexVan123, Mar 16, 2017.

By AlexVan123 on Mar 16, 2017 at 1:15 PM
  1. AlexVan123

    AlexVan123 Halo Customs

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    EDIT: Voting has now closed and Kanaloa's Wrath by Minister Muffin wins! Thank you to all who participated, and all who voted.

    ForgeHub and GrifballHUB collaborated to host the Hammerfall Grifball Forge Contest challenging the community to create an awesome Grifball court, and sure enough, they delivered. The contest received 72 spectacular community Forge creations of such high calibre that most would be welcome additions to the Grifball Matchmaking Playlist.

    The Hammerfall Grifball Court Forge contest results are in. The top three courts (in random order) are...

    The judge panel between ForgeHub and GrifballHub provided for some extremely mixed results to reach our top 3 finalists. Please help us refine our selections further by participating in our community vote hosted on HaloWaypoint! The first place winner will receive an extra $300, creating a grand total of $500!



    Map link


    Map link


    Map link

    Thanks to all participants for devoting their creativity, time and effort to their submissions. That said, the show's not over just yet! We encourage everyone to vote for their favorite finalist map on Halo Waypoint here:


    Note: Voting will close on March 20th, so please vote before then!
    #1 AlexVan123, Mar 16, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexVan123, Mar 16, 2017.

    1. TimeDipper
      Congrats to the winners! Some great maps!

      One thing I don't understand however, why does the community favorite have to be one of the finalists? Shouldn't the community get to vote on all submitted maps to make it a true community favorite?
    2. CT X8
      CT X8
      I agree dipper, it doesn't add up, all good maps but I feel just the 3 is very limiting, as their were others that were just as good, on par even. #frowny face

      Congrats to the winners though!!!
    3. Gizmobb
      I'd assume it is done this way so that the map that wins is completely compatible with the Grifball gametype and matches what was required from the initial contest requirements. I think its also good this way because all maps are considered equally which means that lesser known / less frequent forgers also get there work looked at.
      brusky0086 and TimeDipper like this.
    4. WAR
      I agree, it would have been my first choice to allow the community to vote on more maps but this was decided many months ago and we didn't want to reverse our announcement policy. The judging was all over the place, I've never seen such disparate results out of all of the contests we've held so far. The runner ups are truly award winning maps, we'll post those soon! Huge respect for everyone that participated! Don't get let down just yet, we're planning on throwing most of the top maps into matchmaking as soon as our friends at 343 approve on all compliance checks.
    5. Dunco
      Oh boy! Grifpool in MM! ;)
    6. WAR
      Here's a thought...what if ForgeHub hosted its own separate community favorite poll that includes more options from the contest? We could share our top 10 - 15 map selections for you to base your votes on. Do you guys like this idea, should we do it? Like the comment if you support or post your thoughts below.
    7. TimeDipper
      @NOKYARD "NOKYARD has a copy of Burnie Burns’ original court mentioned in the first paragraph and will share it in the video presentation of the winners."

      Was this cut?
      Ryouji Gunblade likes this.
    8. ReinaStorm
      I think the top 20-25(ish) from the contest should be put in to a ForgeHub vote.
      There were quite a few that didn't make it into the top 16 that definitely deserved a chance. Nok even said 17-19 were all tied.
    9. Goat
      It's taken over a month to judge a largely aesthetic contest and you guys end up choosing safe maps that neither showcase the extent of Forge nor go beyond the generic Halo motif to deliver something unique. Sad! Inheritor is literally a bunch of Forerunner prefabs and emissives strung together.
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    10. Ryouji Gunblade
      Ryouji Gunblade
      Looks like a vote between the hottest, the coolest, and the most nostalgic. Excellent picks.
    11. TheLunarRaptor
    12. Masterr SLUG
      Masterr SLUG
      suicide is badass
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 17, 2017 ---
      i honestly feel like there were way more creative maps on the roster but indeed safe picks were chosen not to say the map picks are bad. But when creativity is a category i dont think a halo theme is really thinking outside the box.
      MULLERTJE, Goat and TheLunarRaptor like this.
    13. TheLunarRaptor
      And remakes from other games, there were maps with completely original concepts and ideas, some with their own backstory, I don't see the creativity judgment part shining through from a personal perspective, and no its not because im upset that a map I made didn't make get in, I just genuinely believe that Halo themed maps (excluding cool concepts like omega) or anything from another game offered anything that would warrant high points for creativity, because you are recreating an established theme, not a general theme, but something you must copy entirely to get correct, instead of building something you imagined. While im not a fan of the Ghost in the shell contest for 100% personal reasons one thing the ghost in the shell contest is doing far better is the fact they outline maps with percentages about what is being judged. I even asked how are points are being judged on the maps for this exact contest and got ignored, which I don't like at all. You don't have to agree with me, but this is my honest feedback for the contest. Congratulations to the winners!
      Masterr SLUG likes this.
    14. NOKYARD
      It was in the top 16 stream.

      Providing an outline of exactly how maps will be judged can only stifle creativity in this style of contest as builders will try to position their map to hit the most points in each category, rather than being free to build out their vision. The only problem this contest had (other than the judges conflicting schedules) was that there were too many top quality candidates. Many of the maps i had (privately) pegged to possibly win didn't even make the top 10, others were not chosen by any of the judges.

      Choosing which maps go up for possible MM consideration will be even more difficult. But, that's a conversation for another day.
      MythicFritz, WAR, TimeDipper and 3 others like this.
    15. brusky0086
      This Contest brought out some of the very best much like the current ATN one and I think congrats are in order for all the entries for their time,dedication,and creativity because I saw a lot of rad stuff!So well done all!My boy Blood I knew you'd finish high ,Reina you as well and first time I have seen the third but it is killer looking ,great job muffin! Good luck to all 3 of you in the voting!Great job admins ,Nokyard and staff for putting on a great Contest! Now go vote everyone and encourage your Spartan Buddies also!
      ArturBloodshot and WAR like this.
    16. CT X8
      CT X8
      I actually have to say I agree on this. When creativity and originality was part of criteria. It's almost like there's no point, because the safe picks seem to be a common habit. It's almost like forget creativity. Make a generic halo map.
      Its also present not, saying maps are bad, there were loads of good maps and I commend the decisions made but I see similar names all the time, there were great maps submitted that weren't by up and forward, known forgers. Which almost feels a shame.
      Like going forward if it's challenging to narrow submissions down, Get to a reasonable number, top 15, top 10 and involve the community mors with the decisions, because at the end of the day it's them that will be playing the maps? It's them who keep Halo going, not just us scrub, hiding away in Forge.

      I'm going to sssh now.
    17. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Kanaloas wrath looks the best
      WAR, Xandrith and Goat like this.
    18. Orzium
      LOL.... and this contest was all about aesthetics?
    19. Agatio
      Cool courts. Not the most creative ones, but definitely the ones closest to what 343 would have done to make them fit the general Halo theme.
      TheLunarRaptor, Masterr SLUG and Goat like this.

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