TGIF #8! If wondering why i put this in here, its because i cant post announcements. Anyway, Friday,May 30 was TGIF #8, and was my first TGIF i had ever done. I took over 12 pics(one for each round). I was in TurboGerbil's party. So, big thanks to you gerbil, and hope you all enjoyed Tgif and enjoy my pics! Big thanks to: *halo00178 *MLGLR playahata *GHU Slammer *Trecaji *Chipsinabox *Chaotic Wade *sgt n00b34 *Devious Void *Grif Must Die *Goldman 010 *Stouf761
I cant post announcements, so i juust put it in here, and i did this because i wanted the party i was in to have some publicity.
well thats fine, but this is not the section you should have posted in, you should have posted it in the screenshots forum. nice pics though
I like most of the shots. The one with the red guy getting sniped in the 2nd pic isn't anything special though, but yeah, try to get this moved.
Yeah you deffinetly need to follow the rules around here, did you accaully think you could put this post in the maps section? It looks like you had a lot of fun though.
Good pics, just wondering, Why aren't there any captions? For me they're the best part. They can easily turn a mediocre pic into a lmao pic.
indeed, jdoerr is right, you should put some in now! also, there already was a tgif # 8 pics thread that i created, but now there are four, so no big deal...
Thanks for including me in your thanks even though I wasn't there.Dam Red Rings Of Death ruin everyhting.
Hey I wish I could've been in TGIF also . If i was, i probably would've had as much fun as you had. I love the pics tho! Note: I was the 26th person to sign up, and for some reason I wasn't on the lists. My sign up form was complete, just like every1 else's forms. Any1 know why I wasn't on the lists?
well, i have no recollection as to why you weren't playing,but it could have something to do with the fact of there possibly not being enough hosts...
yeah, but i was the 26th to sign up. there were people on the lists that were like the 50th or 60th to sign up. I think that they just forgot to put my name on it now.
idk, i was #85 or something, and still managed to get in tgif, maybe it is done randomly doughens? one way or the other, just keep trying, and you will be onthere some time, at least ur on overflow now, and so u may be on the next one