this is a 1 on 1 mini game map where one person is locked on a bridge that crosses a race track and the only way to escape is by sticking the man driving around on a mongoose!!!! you can stick them with either spike grenade or plasma grenade,there are 4 rounds to the game and everytime the guy on the mongoose gets stuck they swich around and the guy on the bridge has a turn on the mongoose,every person each has 2 goes at each thing This is a pic of the whole map this is the map in action here is the link to the map: and here is the game varient: hope you like it,please comment on what you think!!!!
Your post is not up to forgehub standards please read the sticky on How to post your map You need to embed some pictures of your map.
Well, you definitely may have something different here. I can't wait until you get it all together so we can see what the deal is. Sounds like a good sticky practice map for new people...
how do you get a pictures url??? i no i have to take a screenshot of it but how do you get the url??? please reply
You go to theater mode ingame then take pictures or ur map, then you go to and if you don't already have an account sign up for one before you take the pictures. then when you sign up you go to screenshot viewer and right click to download pic to your comp. Then upload them to photobucket. PS. don't double post next time.
ya go to to post pics make sure picture is saved to computer then upload it and click host it and copy paste hotlink for forums(1) to post for your picture. hope that helps ya i hated it here for the first few weeks because no one would tell me how to post pics lol
Unfortunately, your pictures still don't work. It is because Bungie doesn't allow people to host pictures off their site, because it would slow down loading times of You need to save your pictures you've taken to a file on your computer. Then go to a site that allows people to host pictures off of a site (I use Imageshack). On Imageshack, just browse the pictures you've saved on your computer, then upload it, using the part of the page supplied for you. Or you can just become a member (it's free, don't worry) and it'll make this all easier. Then view the image, and copy and paste it into your Forge Hub post. Hopefully, I've helped, and if I haven't, just look in the maps section for a stickied post on How to Post your maps. These posts explain more.