Round About Created by: echo k9 Objects litter the roads, cars crash and tumber trying to escape form the bug the bad the zombie with the tank. Doom is inveitable no matter how much much they run. There is no hiding from the tanks minos arm with a sword and a magnum and faster than an olympic athlete these foul creations from the deapths of hell. Any man stupid enough to face the beast in the tank has no chance for the beast has no weakness. Down load map Game variant: Rush Hour Player: 4 to 16 (more fun with more players depending on the connection) Outline Of The Game The infected alpha zombie is invulnerable and has the ablity to drive vechicals. So at the start of the game he will get in the tank in the center which he spawns beside and will the process to chase the humans around the map with his 150 metre scanner and the 12 tonne tank. The Humans spawning in the car parks grab a near by vechical and process to try and evade to the alpha zombie using the waypoint above his head for referance. Advise to player yes the ghost is faster and a much better vehical but getting can be dangerous there is a heap of fusion coil there and be the tank comes out your right in the line of fire. It is not smart to board the tank because a) there is no point and b) your just asking to get killed. And finally a rule to al who play "if ever in doubt run!!" Please note if you a alpha zombie get in the tank and chase them just don't sit there!
Your pics aren't working. Don't worry i had the same problem. It looks like you copied and pasted from bungie but here's: a link that will tell you how to do so
Are srry every one i put the photos on the wroung way, so im now doing it the right way and they will be on in about 15 mins or so.
I did tell you you had to host them on Photobucket when we were playing this map mate lol. Also, you're link to the map variant doesn't work. Anyway, This is a really fun map. Nothing like that jolt of adrenaline you get when you turn a corner and see a tank heading right for you. Or even when you're heading down the road and your mate rushes towards you screaming, "Don't go that way!!"
Ok. yup definitely frustrating with the scorpion in the game lol...i am not one for infection games but I think you have done a pretty good job and made this one a bit more competitive by adding the "tank"...great job!!
Think of this like Cat 'n Mouse except the cat has been training so he is faster and more accurate lol. And then when he kills you you become a zombie mouse under his control.
lots of fun for everyone to play, really good map, this is a good game for more than 5 people hint...... on the map if you dl and play it, go for a ghost it really helps