Trying to Be Nice

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by myonlydetriment, May 30, 2008.

  1. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    Awhile ago, I was in Slayer on Isolation (Lone Wolves). I noticed a fellow elite jump into the mongoose, so I stopped attempting to kill him and decided I'd be nice and let him get the Mongoose Mowdown achievement. But no, that was too hard. He failed to get the achievement, because he went really , really slow. So I jumped over him and stuck him.

    Have you ever noticed somebody attempting to get achievements, and stop to let them get it? And if you have, have they ever failed as badly as this guy did?
  2. Kuwanjahbee

    Kuwanjahbee Ancient
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    Well I decided to help some people get the Overkill achievement today. We all Got in a nice little group, and as a guy charged up a spartan lazer, someone stole his kill with a rocket. The rocket guy needed the achievement, but claimed he wanted to get it "legitly". Yes, its real legit, when we're just hanging out, not fighting back or moving.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Or maybe he just liked driving, not everyone plays for some sort of profit.
  4. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    I was playing swords, and people wanted steppin razor, so I told them to get it themselves like everyone else, then I got it in the first minute
  5. bobdonkey123

    bobdonkey123 Ancient
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    That is the funniest thing I've seen all week. Nice find.

    They mutilated him!
  6. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    wth are you talking about buddy? this is spam, it has NOTHING to do with the OP's post


    but haha thats funny about the poor attempt at an acheivement, I always stay low in lonewolves, then play like a couple games against baddies and get 'em fast.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I remember playing a game on High Ground, and it seemed everyone was in a Mongoose, so we were fighting for splatters. There was some noob trying to kill us all with a turret, but he couldn't kill us. I suppose he was slow mentally. Eventually, I splattered him, and I got the Achievement. Then, later in the same match, I got the Triple Kill Achievement. If your getting Mongoose Mowdown, do it on High Ground. It's kinda straight anyway.

    BTW, I don't remember letting someone getting an Achievement. I try to take it from them. Now that's mean, lol.
  8. Egg02

    Egg02 Ancient
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    Only when i am in a group of people that i know. But never when i am in match making.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I once wanted the two for one achievement really badly.So i started up a lone wolves match.Got slayer on snowbound.I spawned at the spartan laser base (lol).I saw a guy at those canisters thingy by beam rifle base.I charged it up .The once I fired another guy jumped in fron of that guy and go it first try!!!!!I stared at my screen for like 10 minutes in aww then Loled at the guys when the game was over.

    But ujm i got the overkill from people letting me get it.
  10. PureCallum

    PureCallum Ancient
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    I've gotten all my achievements legit so far. I'm going to try and get the rest in the legendary brawl this weekend.
  11. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Oh, such fail... You should have checked his GT, he prolly already had it (It was the fourth multi achievement I got after up close n personal, graduate and lee r wilson memorial, in order)
  12. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    I got 6 wheel man's in a lone wolves game. This elite dude got on the turret and I started driving, then we got lasered.
  13. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Man you guys are slow at getting your achievements legitly.

    I got all mine whiten the first 2-3 weeks halo 3 was out. Two for one achviement is pretty easy when theres a guy on a mongoose trying to get the mowdown achivment, and you laser the mongoose right when hes taps the guy hes trying to run over...

    Steppin razor achievement was easy to get in a koth pit game.

    Mongoose mowdown, on isolation

    Overkill on isolation, same for triple

    But now a days you guys are lucky as hell, back when i was working for these achievements we didnt have the 6 person party, or the special playlists that counted towards achievements.

    Overall if you have any skill the achievements are super easy, Exect two for one, thats a pure luck achievement.
  14. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    I got mine before Heroic DLC was out, but I didn't really try to get them, I was just leveling in Lone Wolves.
  15. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    I"ve done that before, but I never got my turn. One time it was for overkill, another time it was for mongoose mowdown, but i had to weaken myself witha grenade to pull it off. the guy is a ****ing idiot. o well,good karma.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I got all of my Halo Achievements legit. Except for double kill laser.
    I am still yet to get killing frenzy, I've gotten a frenzy in almost every other playlist other than Lone Wolves.
    I got steppin razor and overkill in one game, Swords on Epitaph.
    I got mongoose mowdown during the living dead week(its first appearance)
  17. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Well, firstly, I'm going to make it clear that, as far as people asking to do a match where the focus is, say, getting everyone a double kill with the spartan laser....I don't do the whole "Let's help each other get achievements" crap. Want to know why?

    Because on more than one occasion I'll have some kid suggest we do an 'achievements' match-and the split second they get the achievement -they- want, they start playing, making a noticeable effort to prevent anyone else from getting the achievement.

    Call me a jackass if you like, but any time I hear someone say "Can you guys help me get an achievement?" I make a special point to hunt them down and kill them more than anyone else in the game. I've tried being 'nice' as you call it. I've been burned.

    I usually don't notice when someone is trying to get an achievement in a regular match, so I don't normally help them.

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