LOL, this is something i found randomly on the bungie forums, the one time i was pleased by going to that site... Note to any who come here now... Look at the date on the shows when it was posted...3 weeks ago...and this was taken a while before then... SO: I know this is old -_-
mortarion, first off, old or new, i just saw it, who gives a ****? second off, if you see me, just don't post, I've been doing the same for you, considering i dont want to start a flame war... also, if you are wondering why i am so pissy, it's all from that one night where you decided to call me gay & a ?girl? i think it was...i dunno, but i remember gay specifically...YOU DON't KNOW ME YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHblamT! so, i will repeat myself, you don't post where i am, and i won't post where you are...
Tex, Chill Out. I understand how you feel about him, and I'm not such a big fan of him either, but this isn't the place to flame him, or direect all of your anger towards him. ForgeHub is supposed to be a happy place! Think of happy things! And, I'm sorry if this upsets you, but he has all the right to post here as you do. Specially because this is the internet. There's no tellin' someone what they can or can't do through the internet. Specially because you don't have any authority over him here. Sorry for the above, just felt like it needed to be said.
you're right, i shouldn't have flamed him here, and you're also right about the fact that i have no right telling where to or where not to post, but he seems to have something against me. I don't enjoy any of the things he has said about me or too me though, and I feel flaming in the future can be avoided by just avoiding rephrase my previous statement Don't post ABOUT ME & I wont post ABOUT YOU mort
sorry to go back offtopic here, but i just realized e93, why did you edit my quote, the main point of what i waying was in the part that you turned into "blablablablabla"
Lol, I didn't want to take up to much space, so I just deleted the middle part. What you wrote to him was huge , i just reduced the size. rofl
roflrofl e93, i know, just giving u a hard time ;-) as for the fact of whether or not it was staged, i have absolutely no idea, cuz from what i remember, when u die, and someone dies on top of u, they just glitch idk
Dude, awesome pic. Not an original one though. Also, it prevented itself with AWESOME caption opportunities, and you settled for that one? Sorry, you failed.