
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Triggerhappy915, May 31, 2008.

  1. Triggerhappy915

    Triggerhappy915 Ancient
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    -Ruthless- is a completely new kind of map. It is the first map that requires you simply to kill before your are killed yourself.

    The Theory:
    -Ruthless- is a unique map because of its way of testing individual skill, but still requiring you to use teamwork to conquer your foes. One of the things that makes it unique is the fact that if an enemy spots you, there is no way you can get away from them. That’s not a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean that it’s just a big open box with no cover, simply an open map that tests your true skill. In some maps, a team will win not because of how good they are, but because of lack of balance; The weapons may be the same, but one team might have a full size base and the other a mere camp. In this map, if you try to run, you are almost surely going to die because of the fact that running away from an enemy can easily lead you to another.

    With this map I intend to create a game where only the best will survive, there’s nowhere to hide after all, so you must strategically use equipment (which only good Halo players can do with maximum potential), The weapons on the map (Which are abundant but not overpowered) and tactics to determine the outcome of the game. If you are out in the middle of the map and somebody starts shooting you and you die spinning in circles looking for him then it’s your fault for not making sure the coast was clear or a teammate was watching your back. If you get sniped by the beam rifle, you should have gotten out of its sight or done stuff to prevent it from shooting.

    It may not make sense and it may not seem like a logical way of making a map until you actually try it out on your own.

    Download -Ruthless-: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18977388

    I have 19 pics of the map, but I'll just post a few to give you a good look at the full map. You can check out the rest of the pics on the thread or in my Album.

    Link to album: http://s249.photobucket.com/albums/gg223/Tanblan2/-Ruthless-/


    Overview one

    Overview two

    Power Area
    Has a beam rifle, the only long ranged weapon on the map, and it would be wise to control this area because you can see most of the map from here.

    Base one bunker
    Both bunkers are the same, with:

    1 Assault rifle in the middle of the bunker
    2 Battle rifle's on the ends of the bunker
    1 Bubble shield
    1 Power drain

    Base one Grav Lift
    The grav lift to the second story of the base.

    Base one Spawn Cubbies
    Sometimes you will spawn up in these. The closest to the "power spot" have assault rifles in them, and the one with the dumpster in front of it has a carbine, which can be accessed by jumping onto the dumpster.

    Get back into the map
    Ok, many maps waste tons of valuable resources just to make it impossible to get out of the map. I've scratched that idea and went by this approach:
    if you get out of the map, congrats, but there's nothing to do out there, so you might as well just get back in.

    -Ruthless- is set up for all gametypes, but for a lot of fun, try 3v3 VIP, 4-6 man Juggernaut, or Capture the flag (make the score limet high, like around ten.)

    NOTE: In assemetrical gametypes there is a dumpster on the second story of the defense side that the defense can use as a "Choke point" to stop the flag carrier or the bomb planter, also, on objective gametypes, make sure the flag/bomb carrier is slower than other players.

    Also note: This map is now a featured Mjolnir Battle Tactics map. This is a huge honor because there are about 20 featured maps and one of them is mine. There are over 2,600 members in MBT.

    Here is a link to the group home page:

    Here is a link to the News story the leader of MBT wrote about my map:
    #1 Triggerhappy915, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The thread title needs to be just the name of your map which is "Ruthless", but other than that, cool map. Good interlocking
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    nice idea looks nicely forged too good job
  4. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    since when do u use FH trigger? anyway i remember this map. i never played on it but it looks like it would be good gameplay
  5. halosavior

    halosavior Ancient
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    I like the little cubbies.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    cool map. i usually play on maps with alot of cover, but maybe lack of it can still be fun. DL when i clear my queue
  7. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Wow triggerhappy you sure do post alot of maps.

    I like the triangley shape, needs abit more cover and abit more to it, can you get into the structure in the middle? if not it would be easy to g jump in anyway. I would add some side tunnels or route because spawn killing will happen very frequently by the look of things.
  8. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    nice job, but loooks sloppy and a little boring
  9. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
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    really nice map. its VERY different. i havent seen a map so outside the box in a little while. very cool. ill deffinitly dl.
  10. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks sweet, but if you do some buddy-jumping, can't you get to your teams base in an instant?
  11. Triggerhappy915

    Triggerhappy915 Ancient
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    I made it very clear in the top post that having little to no cover is the point of the map.

    Yes, but first of all it would take even less time to go straight to the enemies base, second of all my map encourages teamwork such as buddy jumping as it encourages use of fusion coils and deployable cover to leave the map. Besides, the way the map is set up, you'll get torn to pieces before you have enough time to buddy jump.
  12. Triggerhappy915

    Triggerhappy915 Ancient
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    Also, I'd appreciate it id you could post comments in the bungie.net thread.

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