insanely good at forging. I really need help with something. It will be the BEST infection map ever, if I can get a person with these requirments: Excellent at Stacking Objects, Holding it in place and can forge awesome houses. Can make secret passages in a giant thing, and a vent. Can set up a certain path to a roof. I asked Scott, Bart, Sik, and TrueDarkFusion but they will not help me
They probably have things to do, like getting ready for college, or finishing up their own maps, or playing video games. Also, you're going to have a hard time finding someone that loves Infection maps so much that he'd be willing to make it and give you the credit for it.
You mean when you told them the informative and awesome line BEST INFECTION MAP EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They didnt agree to help?! The bastards....hehe.... Honestly mate if your looking for a forging partner post that,dont go on about how you need someone insanely good at forging to help you make your map. Secondly "best" and "infection" NEVER EVER go together.M'k? Frankly this sounds like another thread Considering you essentially said I need someone to make this,this and this for me.
^A little bit more harsh than me, but you understand. I mean, would you make a map for someone else if that specific game is stereotypically-speaking unbalanced and unfun, and it'd lower your Forging reputation? I'd be happy to give you some help in how to learn how to do some neat Forge tricks, but not make an entire map for you.
I see what you mean, but what im really saying is I need help working out the kinks. More or less helping me with the really hard, small parts that I can not do myself. I can more or less do 95% of it myself and am only 10% done atm, but need help finishing those parts. And really, this will be the best infection map ever.
And it wont be a "humans get so much power they are overwhelmingly destroying zombies with out the blink of an eye" or "zombies are so god-like they kill humans like a chainsaw through butter." This one will acctually be AS BALANCED as possible. Yes I did say that.
Hey il help you if you want... im not insanely good like Shock Theta or anyone else but i can do pretty good
Roflmfao^ SHOCK BEING GOOD AT MAKING MAPS??!!!!eleven????/? blasphemy.And you tripled posted my good sir you get inftactionz for being unloved.But um I love infection to besides all these serious people.But I can't help because I have the Red Rings of Death.
well im not the best at everything but i do love infection... so just let me know if oyu want my help
same with that randy guy who just spammed. But maybe you could give us some more details about the map?
Well mate thats a good bit different and you should have mentioned it was finished and you were just working out the kinks. There is a suprising amount of people who post their great idea and then expect someone else to make it and give them credit :S ...they quickly and efficiently get told where they can put their epic map ;D Tell you what,i cant really help over XBL have exams and dont have the time but if you still get stuck put a detailed thing about what your trying to do and ill try and help from here.
Hey I can help out too. I'm not a godly forger but I know how to do a decent amount of stuff in forge (if you want to see what I can do, you can check out the first map in my sig). And just for future reference my friend, there's a nice little EDIT button at the bottom of your replies; use it to add to what you already posted instead of making more replies.
I just noticed that, I had to restart the entire map because of one small problem Now I need help acctually making it. I have one part done but the main thing itself, I need help making. And if you help I wont make you do all of it >_> Just the outline.