Description: Hello Forge Hub. This map may not be my best but it was an idea I came up with. It's a perfectly symmetrical map with two bases. On either sides there are hilly bases accompanied with a sniper hut. Each weapon on the map is the same as it is on the other. I went threw and checked this map about 4 time threw. Only found one mistake. Leave your thoughts if you'd like. Must use the game type Quick Flag. 4-6 Players. Game Type Description: Quick Flag is a multi team based game. If some one grabs your flag, you kill them and touch the flag, it instantly respawns back to your flag area. It's 5 captures to win it all. Don't blow it. Lay Out: This image is something I drew with paint lol. It's not glorious but it shows where where on the map. Pictures: Overview Sky View Middle View Blue Base Blue Snipe Hut Red Base Red Snipe Hut -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Shots: Owned LOL Snipe off! That's what I call taking one for the team! Stalemate I'm Scopulus, He is Scorpulus LOL In the face! Game Type: Quick Flag ============================================== Map Location: Bungie ==============================================
Looks really really fun. Usually i can find something to critize in a map but this looks really goood. my fav map since Kashmir Highlands!
this looks really great, love the hills. im guessing this is symmetrical? I could defnitely see me and some friends playing CTF on this. full C.C. tho... i'll DL later
the design and interlocking is wonderful, but it looks really small. looks good but i'm questioning the playability.
Hey scope. Not a bad job. I see you used the double fence thing again. This seems kind of small though.
wow really small. 2 vs 2 CTF generally isnt that fun. (well to me it isnt, I like 4v4 or more. The interlocking looks spectacular though.
this looks really good, I like the curve with double boxes, very well made. I've never really been a fan of using powerups as a part of the scenery.
This looks like flag games would be really really fast paced, could you give a description of the quick flag gametype as well? Is it just fast returns and resets? I like good interlocking and this seems very nice, simple but clean. The angled fence wall looks good as well and actually quite effective. Please tell me you no scoped that impostor Scorpulus.
I did no scope him lol. And he's not an imposter, he's my friend lol and I added description to the game type.
I really like the look of this map the hills look great but im just wondering if it plays aswell as it looks, i will have to check it out in forge but for now looks good
the whole map looks nicely interlooked and the idea is great, the hill just brings a tear to my eye good job
This looks very well made, I like small maps so I will download it. I can't see any major problems at this time.