Map Description Lucky map has two different sides each team spawns on. Lucky consists of a overhead bridge on the far side. Plays confortably with 4 to 8 players on a team. Large base takes up a percentage of the map with a maze-like design with it's two stories. Gametype Description With the Paintball gametype players will move faster, jump lower, have two lives, and have infinite ammo with the plasma pistol (paintball gun). With the gametype there is also a one shot kill with a 4 second respawn time. Download! Enjoy! Discuss! Rate! Lucky Map Paintball Variant Back of the base. On Team One's side. Front of base from Team Two's spawns angle. Side of main base Inside look of bridge
Can you embed pics? It's just easier. Here's a quick tutorial: 1)Click screenshot twice, then choose to save to desktop 2)Go to a site such as photobucket(get account if you don't currently have one) 3)Access your album 4)Upload screenshot from desktop 5)Take the direct link from that picture 6)Embed on here using the code(place link in between) PM me if you have any questions. I hope this helps
People generally frown upon having more then just the map name on your thread title. Also, it's neccessary that you embed your pictures.
Unnecessary posting, if someone has already pointed out that the post is not up to standards then there is no need for someone else to.
Notice how these posts are pretty much all at the same time? You can't view posts in the future; you don't exactly know if somebody's going to post the same thing while you make your post.
Actually the first post pointed out that the post was incorrect. I posted second, showing how to correct the pictures, which is the only thing wrong. I could see why someone would think this was wrong, but isn't it just extra help? I think the last two were a little repetitive though...
I didnt notice the times on the posts. The first post had no info on how to fix the post just that it wasnt up to standards, the second was informative and would help. the last two, although they had linked "the how to post maps sticky" they were a bit repetive. I cant be bothered saying stuff like "Interlock" and "This isnt up to standards" its just not worth it as others are guaranteed to say it. I try to give comments that are useful. On to the map, got pics now. Good. It looks okay, looks like some thought went into this. Has it been tested because instant kill with plasma pistol, well instant kill with anything generally isnt the best, although it does seem a bit tactical but I dont see people using cover I can see people bum-rushing to the middle spamming the right trigger.
Yes, it's been tested. Usually in paintball if you get hit once your out till the next round. I was so grateful to give them two lives to keep them in the action longer.
you guys are all posting unnecessary comments about each other. Just get over it and lets help this guy with the map. To me the map looks awefully rushed. It looks really sloppy and the sloppiness would really effect the gameplay of the map.I really cant see much people enjoying this map. But dont worry. not everyone hits a homerun when they first bat. I recommend checking out Forging 101 here on Forgehub. I would also suggest making a version 2 of the map which would fix the sloppiness of the map and have it more neat and thought out. Welcome to Forgehub.
Well, Now I see that you have fixed your post, When I get to my Xbox in a bit i will download it. But right now i am going to point out a few errors as well as some ways to help you a little. The Post -- On your map description you were very repetitive and that made me instantly dislike your post. This is not a rule or anything, just a personal opinion (and partially because I write for a living). Its just that grammar can help you, as can a detailed map description. The Map itself -- Ok, Just from the pictures I can see some sloppiness in the map, there are quite a few misaligned walls and areas that would cause gameplay affecting bumps. I am not a person who is gonna hound you for not interlocking that often, I would just like to see everyone have their map get equal attention. If you change some items (namely the horizontal sign on the base picture) you shouldn't recieve as many bumps. ((Have not done a forge-thru yet nor played it, will respond again when I have)) --- Hope this helps, and if it sounds like im discouraging you I'm sorry, I am merely trying to help you.