ARGH I'm so pissed off right now. ****ing spongey hosts every frickin time I get into a match in social. 7 headshots on a guy who's one shot!!!!! AND EVERY SINGLE ONE HIT. I'm sticking to customs as soon as I get my Brigadier (sp).
Ok, I may seem retarded, but what exactly are spongey hosts? I know hosts on Halo 3 but what is the exact meaning? I suppose they aren't good hosts, in your point of view.
It's when they chew on your bullets, they literally absorb your bullets, and it only applies to the team with the Host. But I've had it happen like 4 times in a row now. EDIT: A host is someone who has (should have) a good connection in the game, and his connection defines other peoples MS, if you have a bad connection to the host, you will lag, and this is why people from the UK complain about having American hosts. Connections from thousands of miles away, don't always seem to be connected well.
Yeah, spongey hosts suck. I've have had some, but not too many problems with them in the past. I have a friend that thinks the people who absorb his shots are modders who don't take damage. I keep telling him it's just lag, but he doesn't listen, and that's why he stopped playing Halo 3. "SPONGEY HOSTS HAVE MADE ME LOSE A GAMING FRIEND. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU. TELL THE TRUTH OF SPONGEY HOSTS." -Spartan_R14- lol, I quoted myself.
you guys are probably going to hate me but most the time I like spongey hosts, just for the fact that I usually get host for several reasons, a: I usually am playing with more than one person/one xbox off my modem in the same game so a lot of the time even if I don't have the best connection bungie usually gives it to me b/c I have the majority of people on my connection and b: I have a really pro connection so I barely ever lag.
Good news: My family plans to switch to a company that has TV, Internet, and Phone for $99 total. Apparently, the Internet part is supposedly fast, 6 megs. Hopefully, it will be, and then perhaps none of my games will lag. Sadly, everyone on here will call me Spongebob, lol.
I get this a lot, I have an awesome connection, making me spongey whenever I host custom/forge games (I sometimes even see the bullet/s hit the visor and take no damage) and irritating me in Matchmaking when the american/australian host just sucks up the bullets. Yay, a topic I can reply to without feeling noobish.
Everyone's noobish in their own way. Anyways, I guess you've seen both sides of this, being the sponge and seeing the sponge.
I'm never host when using my wireless router.But when I'm hooked up to computer then I'm a host fanatic.Also if you get a spongy host just standby for a sec and the host laggs which will turn off the spongieness hopefulle for the full game or for a little while.Also I like calling spongy hosts blood shots ,because when you shoot the person the blood comes out but no damgae taken. 450th Post!! I would like to thank the academy and forgehub for standing by me every second.Also my parents for suporting me even when i got the RRoD.