I just need some opinions between some sigs I'm l looking at currently, but it would be great if someone could make me a custom one aswell. I'm kinda just going along the lines for relating to the anime 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' or Communism. Either or, it's an epic win for me. Here's a few I'm currently looking at. (Big problem: this is 2.5 MB big. Ouch.) My current. My old one that people want me to start using again. Something random I think I might like. I lol'd at this one.
Use this Promote signature size awareness, and get rid of your retarded anime sigs, at the same time. Win Win.
communist party, unless you translate that jap one for us, cause it ain't funny right now... btw that chick in the elevators one irks me.
to me, the hitler kitty avatar and the communist party sig conflict each other. Fascism and communist do not like one another.
Ivory, that one says a lovely obscenity in Japanese. I'll let you guess which one. I'm stuck between the Communist Party and 'That's How It's Done'. Chips: The Hitler Kitty is meant to be mocking of Fascism.
damn, i can't find it in online dictionaries, and the translators use english letters so i guess i'll never know...
Lols, you should mix all your crazy weird pictures together. e.g. Communists extra close to hitler kitty yelling Japanise insults while loads of anime on stairs and elevators... also maybe a bunny telling you your sig is too large because it probably will be with all the junk stuffed into it. =p