i was just wondering is the entire map inside ?? thats what it looks like from your pictures... am i right ??
When I first looked at this map and the Spartan shooting across at the opposite side I instantly thought of Halo 1's Boarding Action. Nice work!
oooo please tell me where that spot is. you can describe it or show a picture where. cus then i'll definitely make a version 2 that will be a little neater fix some spawns and weapon placement.
thanks Blood. oh and i found where you can get out... my mistake i forgot to make a ramp that prevents people from jumping out there spawn at the start. it spawns after 3 minutes... expect to see a much better v2 later this month
Hey, did a new pack come out after legendary because this looks like a completely different map. Good Job.
im not quite sure what this is but if its like a maze that you fight in from the pics its pretty sweet man i love the use of things like other people its for sure not the regular ghost town good job 5/5
Looks good. I haven't ever succeeded in adapting a non foundry map into a significantly different variant as I always feel to constrained by the stock level but this looks like you've done it well. Pics give a good impression and the 3rd pic impressed me, looks nothing like ghost town and really fun. There are a couple of untidy bits, I look forward to v2. But still a good map.
ya i know what you mean Delta, I took a look at all of Ghost towns items and i thought "How could i use all of these cool objects and make them into something on Ghost Town?" expect a v2 to come out very soon and you'll probably be seeing another Ghost Town Map from me in the future (once i get a little better at me geomerging)
looks really good and a bit bigger than most maps but thats probally because most of them are on foundry.LOL
ya i've had a couple projects after i made this map. i just finished my newest one, Fulmination, and now im building a map, after that map i will be working on a v2 of this map.