I know DtL made a Post your TGIF pics here thread, but it was mentioned in there that it was for last week, so I was kinda at a loss, so i decided to make a new one, specifically for TGIF # 8... The pic below was taken on Kentucky Tango I actually beat that dude down THROUGH a barrier...someone else watched this happen, so it wasn't just on my screen... Picture taken on a forgotten-name map. Of, course, a beautiful symmetrical 2-for-1 Same map below as the above map... Me n a dude on my team turned down an open strip, then just ran straight at eachother...for no apparent reason... Picture below taken on Renegade: Poor, poor Ivory, went into the nurfed spiker location Pictures taken below were taken on Gridlock I believe... To set the stage...Ivory had just grenade jumped...was sitting on the other side of wall...so I decided to chase his ass...I attempted to grenade jump...the grenade went underneath the wall, completely unintentionally, killing the pre-hurt Ivory from grenade jumping LOLOLOL HUZZAH I TURNED IT INTO MY FIRST EVER GIF!!! MUAHAHAHAH pwnt ivory...pwnt Kinda wierd how 4 of those pics contain Ivory...but I just kept killing him in teh coolezt wayz... Anyways, I can't wait to see how everyone else's TGIF went...
Rey...it really pissed me off, the one time i'm sure i'll be on the aussie party, you're not there.....OMG lame.....
i'll have some pics soon. and the kills on gridlock were pure luck. and the fact that i'm constantly the dead one says a lot about my playing style =], you better be there next time rey...
LOLOLOLOLOL your playing style = nub, that is what it sais also, the last 2 pics...extreme luck... thirdly...GET PICS NAO
Just a few photos from Draw the Line's party. A great time as always. The only time we were all in one spot so an impromtu group photo. JuicytheKing getting a Triple Kill infection spree. I was the last man standing. Ask IV0RY about it. Red team winning conquest 12-9. [Brag]MVP-Vicious Vice 28-12-7 +21 K/D.[/brag]
hurray for impromptu group pictures, ivory if you catch this, when you go to take your pics, make an impromptu as well! also, your second picture SERIOUSLY looks like it has a dirtbike modded into it!! i know it is a goose, but it REALLY looks like a dirtbike from the current angle... thirdly, i just love pictures involving the cat falling to his death xDDDD