Guys I am so sry i posted this map yesterday and forgot a link to the map. . wow im and idiot, there is a link now This Map called Pipe Line is one of my newer creations. The story behind this map is that your a black opps team infiltrating an abandoned oil refinery plant. . . or is it abandoned??? Its our job to find out. There are a few things puzzles in between you and the job being successful. A Great Way to get into the base is to explode the fusion coils and go into the base through the pipe line. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ The game type (Infiltration) and map can be found here: Map Game Type I hope you enjoy the map dont forget to comment and rate!!!! Gamertag= oCKo Scipio
Your thread is currently not up to Forge hub's map post standards. You can view some guidelines for posting here. Basically, your post is fine except that you need to embed your pictures into your post, and you should include a link to downloading your map from a map thread (not your fileshare). You can embed your images using an image-hosting site such as imageshack or photobucket. Both are free and pretty easy to use. Also, your thread title should be that of the map only. I'll go ahead and change it for you this time, but please remember for the future. Note that you have 24 hours to remedy the post with embedded pictures, or your thread will be locked. On a side note, the pictures do look really good! Hustle up with embedding them so others can see more easily!
Wow, I haven't seen a map like this on Avalanche before, looks very well thought out and very strategic. Well done 5/5