This is my first successful post on forgehub (Hopefully). Anyway I just started hardcore forgeing so This is my first map. I really want feedback on what is good, and bad. Thanks. An overview: [/IMG] Rocket Spawn: [/IMG] Flag spawn: Door: Random Fun! You can download the map here: And the games here: Slayer: Team Slayer: Single Flag: Peace.
these shots dont do a very good job of showing it, and it looks pretty plain, but for a first map it looks good. just work on interlocking more
Ok I've posted two succesful maps my first one I messed up and so did you apparently. One thing yuo forgot about was a description of the map thats the most important part of the map People need to know what they are downloading. Just trying to help you out
blatant interlocking second to last pic and read my sig. A good map does not need to have interlocking.
the map looks very clean and i see you interlocked which is good. but in the first pic it looks like theres hardly any cover/scenery so may i suggest you add a bit more. other than that good job
Lol funny how you put a soccer ball on the forklift =P cool good job but you can also use interlocking
Well, the first thing I noticed from your post is that theres no description, so Im not too sure what you were going for. Either way, this map looks incredibly small and open. My suggestion is to post more pictures to give a better view of your map, and block off any un-used sections players aren't supposed to be able to reach. I can tell you right now there are people whose main goal when testing a map is to break it, or get out of it. Also, the only weapon I see is a Rocket Launcher, are the any more? Or do players spawn with BR's and everyone races for the RL? Again, more pictures would help immensely. Other than that looks like a good first post. Good job!