
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, May 11, 2008.

  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    By: JJ3672

    Download Here:

    'Launch yourself into the elevated cage WWE style, or fight on and around the structures below it. 2-8 players.'



    This is my third posted map, and it’s better than the first two by a longshot. Nearly everything has been interlocked or merged, and the layout is creative without sacrificing gameplay. Cagematch is a somewhat symmetrical, medium-small map for 1 vs. 1, small team battles (4 vs. 4 is max, but it might feel a bit crowded), and FFA (6 players max). Anyway, I’ve decided to switch the post formatting around a bit and use pics to describe the map instead of a whole block of unwanted text. So, here ya go…

    This is an overview of the whole middle structure. At the top of the screen with the receiver nodes, fence boxes, and fusion coils is The Cage. Below the cage is a platform with eight interlocked walls and four mancannons in the center, a.k.a. The Octagon. Below the octagon with the fence walls and barriers is The Fire Room.

    The Cage – there are two entrances to the cage, one behind the interlocked doors and above the mancannons. There is a gravlift that takes players up this way, but it can be destroyed to restrict access (10 second respawn). The other entrance is though a teleporter on the catwalks, which takes you to one of three random receiver nodes on top of this cage, all of which shoot you through an Overshield and into the cage on different sides. The only way to exit the cage is down, either past the doors or all the way down to the bottom floor (must destroy gravlift).

    The Octagon – the octagon allows access to the catwalks (floating fence wall), the cage (three angled fence walls), and the fire room (walk into mancannons, they shoot straight down). The shield doors provide cover, but if you get too close you’ll be sucked down by the mancannons.

    The Fire Room – this is where a player that runs/falls into the mancannons will be shot violently. The room contains some powerful fire-based weapons, but it also is extremely easy to throw nades into (just chuck one into a mancannon and see where it goes).

    This is an overview of Base A and the surrounding area. The teleporter into the cage can be seen on the top of the screen. At far left is the cage, octagon, and fire room. In corner of map with two merged single boxes is the spawn area.

    This is an overview of Base B and the surrounding area. It doesn’t look exactly the same as Base A, but the concepts are very similar. In place of the teleporter in the previous pic is a Regenerator. At far right is the cage, octagon, and fire room. The spawn area is in corridors below the roofed structure in the corner of the map.

    This is an overview of The Catwalks and surrounding area. Pic was taken from above Base B. The octagon is at far right.

    The Catwalks – this is the second highest area on the map. It includes a mini sniper cage (where stairs lead to), the spot above the sniper cage, and the two bridges extending outwards (with Regenerator and teleporter). There is a hole in the top of the sniper cage that allows players to drop down and jump up between the two levels (using a barrel). The floating fence wall also provides access to and from the octagon.

    This is an overview of the Brute Shot Shack and surrounding area. This area is located directly opposite the catwalks. Pic was taken from above Base A. The octagon is at bottom right.

    Brute Shot Shack – this mini-house consists of a few fence walls, breakable pallet entrances (never respawn), and an interlocked roof. Inside the shack is the weapon itself along with some barrels to provide cover. Players can easily reach the roof, but there is nothing useful up there.

    Details and Pickups

    Inside of the cage. Note the Fuel Rod Gun in the far corner. The Bubble Shield is in the other corner (from where the pic was taken). A Plasma or Frag sits at the end of each wall. Watch out for the fusion coils!

    Upper entrances to the cage (through teleporters). Overshield would be above the hole but it has already been taken (Overshield can’t be reached from inside the cage). Note that this area is above the level barrier, so players won’t have to worry about overshooting the cage because gravity makes this impossible.

    The octagon and fire room. The Flamethrower and Firebombs can be seen inside the fire room.

    More detailed view of Base A. The Power Drain and BR are on top of the single boxes and wall, the SMG’s are on ground level. At top left is the Base A sign and a merged double box. The Carbine sits atop the sign and the Mauler is inside the double box (hanging). At top right there is a small passage with a couple doors that goes up to the octagon. A pair of Plasmas sits at the end of the passage. Just offscreen to far right is another barrier behind which a pair of Frags sits.

    More detailed view of Base B. Weapons and equipment are in same places as Base A.

    More detailed view of the catwalks (and sniper cage). Sniper is hanging as obviously seen. A pair of Plasmas is directly above the sniper, and the teleporter and Regenerator are on the ends of the bridges. Two BR’s are offscreen and sit resting against the single boxes on ground level.

    More detailed view of the shack. The Brute Shot is attached to the wall in the far corner (behind the barrels), and a pair of Frags sits behind the center fence wall.



    1 Fuel Rod Gun, r=180, c=1
    1 Sniper, r=150, c=1
    1 Brute Shot, r=60, c=1
    1 Flamethrower, r=180
    2 Maulers, r=60, c=1
    4 BR’s, r=30, c=2
    2 Carbines, r=30, c=2
    4 SMG’s, r=30, c=2


    8 Frags, r=10
    8 Plasmas, r=10
    2 Firebombs, r=30


    2 Power Drains, r=60
    1 Bubble Shield, r=60
    1 Regenerator, r=60


    1 Overshield, r=180


    CTF (flags spawn by each team’s power drain)
    Oddball (ball spawns on top of angled fence walls above the octagon)
    Crazy King (hill spawns in the cage, in the fire room, in the shack, and on the catwalks near the plasmas)
    Mosh Pit (hill spawns and stays in the cage, prepare for chaos)
    Assault (each team’s bomb spawns in the cage, plants are in the other team’s spawn area)
    Neutral Assault (bomb spawns in the cage, plants are in the other team’s spawn area)

    Miscellaneous Pics:

    Looking straight up from the fire room…

    Warning, the big metal cage is a fire hazard…

    The Chief’s aura is overpowering…

    Well, that’s all for now. Propulsion v2 is 100% complete and will be posted shortly, while Shafted v2, Acrophobia, and Azure Trail still have a bit of work left. Check my sig for future map updates.

    Download Here:
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Wow, this looks well planned, but where are the seats for spectators? Anyway, i really like the above-the-map idea to pull people into the cage.
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Looks very interesting, and well made, the cage is a genius idea 4/5
  4. smellyrebel

    smellyrebel Ancient
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    Wow, this is a really good map, this should be a featured map.
  5. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    wow that is well organised nice one
  6. spacemarine

    spacemarine Ancient
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    Very nice, good interlocking. When I read the title, I was reminded of a map that my friend made, that had everyone spawn in a little cage with a teleporter and then teleport to a big cage in the middle to fight, and expected something along those lines. I was pleasantly surprised though, and am DLing now.
  7. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    The whole arena around the cage could be for spectators, but there is a 90% chance that spectators will be shot. Sorry, that's the way it goes...

    As for the teleporter to above the cage thing, that worked out ten times better than I thought it would. I wasn't really serious when first putting it in, but then I saw that it worked perfectly and decided to leave it there.

    For the rest of y'all: DL's, comments, and ratings are always welcome...
  8. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    OMG this is amazing. You recieve my DL, and may the Forge be with you, young padawan.
  9. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    No, this is a bit more complex than that. This was actually the first map I'd ever made (let alone posted) and consisted of no interlocking/merging/floating/anything. It had a laser, rocket, sword, hammer, shotgun, and sniper and was about the same layout without the upper floors, roofs, and awesomeness.

    Needless to say, the map got a major overhaul.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I think it looks confussing but that might be just me.
  11. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    The reason why I bolded the different areas in my first post and explained each pic with plenty of detail was to avoid confusion and clear things up as much as possible. Seems pretty clear to me.

    But if you're still confused, tell me what about and I'll try to explain it more to you (if I can).

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good for the most part
    great interlocking
  13. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the praise and DL's.

    I see a bunch of DL's but no ratings, so anyone who did DL it can you get back to me on what you thought?

    And for anyone that hasn't seen this yet, now is the time to look and comment, as this is probably the final version and I don't intend on reposting it.
  14. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    dude this is really cool
    the aesthetics for this map are a A+, and it looks like it plays well,
    i like the different rooms and the planning
    nice job

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks quite interesting
    maybe a lil sloppy but w/e
  16. SergeantSmeg69

    SergeantSmeg69 Ancient
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    nice one looks interesting ill give it a look at next time im on
  17. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Lol, I don't think spaghetti noticed that he'd already commented on the map a few posts earlier, cause he kinda contradicted himself.

    And Propulsion v2 is up (yes I am advertising in my own thread), so go click the link in my sig and DL/rate/comment.
  18. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
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  19. reaper21595

    reaper21595 Ancient
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    looks awesome great interlocking DLing right now
  20. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome map dude. 5/5

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