DOWNLOAD MAP Download original Loco Dodgeball on Foundry Team Dodgeball 5 Rounds, Elimination Style 4-12 Players (Prefered way to play) Download Team Gametype Dodgeball 15 kills to win 2 Players Download Dodgeball From the creator of Loco Dodgeball, comes the Snow Dodgeball map. The view is alot better this time around, no more claustraphobic boxed in on foundry. A death pit again seperates the two sides, this time falling in the pit means falling to your death off the snowy cliff. A good view of the death is on the opposing teams side. Swords only again so no one can shoot across. Use your plasma grenades to stick the other team. The gametypes are set up to reduce jumping, so you cant get across. Also you have a little more health so you dont die as often from a blast beside you. Most people say this is one of their favorite mini games. Have fun and enjoy!
this looks seriously easy to break out of... you might want to add a second layer of walls or something
I'll test it, but the gametype limits your jumping ability.Thanks for the comments, though, I am always trying to improve my maps.
Nope, the cannons are pointed down and send you into the death pit where you go flopping over the cliff. Thanks for the comment though.
They have windows in the new map pack come on thta's just great and bad because I don't have legendary map pack.
hmm... kinda original, kinda not... I think you should add some twists, like a shield drainer every 90 sec. or so, or something like a custom powerup or at least add some filters (I reccomend juicy or use the juicy and gloomy to make it dark) 4/5
I do use juicy. A shield drainer in 90 seconds wouldn't work because most matches don't last that long. This is extremely fast paced.