Snípania v4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DoYouLikeWaffle, May 4, 2008.

  1. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Just like everyone else said, it looks sloppy. All we are saying is that you really need to look it make cleaner if you want people to download. If you don't want to listen to the members of the community that produce the best forged maps, then I advice you not to come here.

    The cleanliness of a map sometimes, and most often reflects the overall quality of the map. If it is an incredibly clean map, people expect a good map. If it is a sloppy map, people expect a not-so-good map. Not saying that that is always true, but it generally is a good reflection of time spent on the map, and therefore a reflection on the gameplay, balance, and overall quality.

    Don't come and start calling us names because you can't take and accept criticism. There was no need for you to start commenting on other peoples maps like that too. Thats not the type of people we want at forgehub.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks sloppy, but good idea try interlooking and straightening the walls
  3. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    Looks sloppy...
  4. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Hey, I was just trying to help and give constructive criticism. I could've said 20 other bad things about that map, but I didn't. If you want to be an asshole, go ahead, but don't expect me to be nice in return.

    As for my map:
    1. It's funny how you're the only one who found something wrong with it...
    2. Mine is currently being remade and posted in a new thread, instead of updating with a new version everytime I made one of my walls/boxes straighter like you've done. So go ahead and call my new version crappy when I post it, cause I'm sure it's 10 times better than whatever you've done.
  5. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    Thanks for the fair judgment with THIS post.

    Also, I'm not being a jerk, I was just looking at your maps and judging them without thought for how fun they are to play, and also noticing any tiny mistake, and not going into further detail, just like you two did with your first posts.
    #25 DoYouLikeWaffle, May 12, 2008
    Last edited: May 12, 2008
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    hey cmon this was fair wasnt it? :p
  7. IXA

    IXA Ancient
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    The map could use some work, try interlocking and smoothing things out.
  8. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    Wasn't talking about you?
  9. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks pretty sloppy, i think that if you put more time into it it would makea great map. youve got the ideas thow
  10. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    If all of you had downloaded this map, there would be at least 50 more downloads, that means many of you guys did NOT download.
    Go away unless your going to download and play it to test.
  11. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I agree, very sloppy. I would love to give you a crash course in proper forging, but my xbox is out of commission. Maybe next time.
  12. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    Sorry, but three people have tried to do that and I hated their maps.

    P.S. Nice termites map, but it's quite messy from the outside, and you should've interlocked the floors, but I'm not really much better... :p
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    First off, people will not download a map if the screenshots make it look bad or sloppy, I wouldn't criticise people for not downloading and playtesting, the impression given by the post is very important. You can't expect people to download everything especially with that (stupid) 100 custom item limit that Halo 3 imposes.
    I don't blame you for getting a little defensive though as people have been a little rude, insulting you can calling you a little kid is unnecessary, but don't insult back as it just gives people the wrong impression of you. Insulting people's maps is a bit of a bad idea as well, its not needed and plus, alot of people posting on here and giving advice clearly know what they're doing, check Tex's 'project' maps to see what I mean, interlocking taken to an insane degree with great results (btw Tex, you don't know me if I've given this impression, I'm just a fan).

    But onto the map itself. I did download this map and peoples comments, whilst harsh at times, are well founded. The construction is sloppy, the floated bridges need fixing not just for aesthetics but for playability. Try placing them on top of objects then removing the objects, this will get them flat and make the heights match. Interlocking needs work but people saying over and over 'needs more interlocking' hardly helps. For getting things straight when interlocking you can use guides as trying to line an object with another one you can't see is obviously difficult. Take bridges for example. If you want to merge two together then place the first as straight and flat as possible, push a double box up against the edge of it, make the bridge dissappear then push the next one up against the same edge of the box. The edges of the bridges should then be in line and, if you placed the box flat against the first bridge, they should be parallel as well. If you're interlocking objects far above the ground then build up objects to the right height then use the top one as a guide.

    In line walls are important but so are smooth surfaces, I bounce grenades off walls alot and holes or gaps cause lost grenades at worst and unpredictable bounces at best. Making edges of bridges meet and avoiding gaps that people can fall down is also important, if you cant run around a map easily and fluidly (is that a word?) makes games alot less fun.

    The structure seems a bit lacking, in the back rooms there are just corner walls placed on their own. This can work but its a little bare in this map, this is true over alot of this map as well. The contextual objects like crates and wire spools are good for this, they just make moving around the floor seem safer as this map is a bit bare in terms of structure and alot of it is high up with a good view of large amounts of the floor. The snipers are also a problem, 3 right next to each other? With 3 BRs there as well? I personally would never leave this bit of the map as it has weapon power, height and good views of pretty much all of the map, not to mention most of the spawns which seem too clustered in a few areas.

    The last thing this forum should do is discourage people from forging and I think some people have been harsh, but don't get defensive and insult people as you're a new member and making a good impression is key if you want people to listen to you and download your maps, take heed of the well founded posts, listen to the more experienced members. As another new member I find that if you listen to people who've been here a while and have proven they know what they're talking about your maps will really benefit.

    It can be a hard road getting a reputation here as there are so many members and so many great maps, but push through it, be respectful and be prepared for negative feedback, try to ignore it if you think its unfounded. This map does need a lot of work but is not lost, expand the structural work, spend some time getting good at merging and floating (you can always use a guest signed in even if you're not with anyone to look at what you are doing from two angles) and balance weapons and spawns. Its worth just looking around Bungie's own maps or the highly rated maps on here to see how to balance weapons, place them effectively and avoid overpowering certain areas.
    Cover is a massive consideration as well, a couple of well placed crates can make all the difference, balancing upper and lower areas and encouraging flow around the map.

    Remember that this is a community and you have to create a good impression, try to ignore pointless comments and rudeness without rising to it even though it can be really frustrating. Respect the work of other members but above all: Keep Forging! Everyone starts somewhere and everyone gets better with time and effort. This map could provide an interesting experience with some hard work.
    #33 Pegasi, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
    LXV Grizzly likes this.
  14. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    This map has been my learning path for forging, if I was to redo it, it would look a lot worse, but if I were never to have made it, and to have gotten the idea like right now, it would be a LOT better.

    A.K.A I'm not going to re-make it, but if I had made it with my current forging skills, instead of when I did make it, it would be MUCH better.
  15. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    You're one of the guys who asked if I was 2 years old on because I asked about the title of this map. Ha!! Well, I would suggest Interlocking. And there is more to interlocking than just putting two objects together. Try to make the map look as neat as possible and have structure in its gameplay. I don't think the pictures for this thread really showed your map well, or you might have posted like 3 screenies or something...
  16. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    Your post made no sense, sorry.

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