Xeron Project v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JSlayer7, May 30, 2008.


How do you rate this map based on gameplay, aesthetics, and fun?

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    18 vote(s)
  1. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Xeron Project V3 <--- (click to DL)
    A Map Presented by JSlayer7 (my GT)


    My B.net Gallery Shot

    What's New With Version 3?
    • The Base Attacking the Xeron Ship now Contains a UFO and Mini Aircraft Carrier
    • No More Aggravating Colorblind Filter, or Battleground
    • Editted Ship by Eliminating Ramp, Creating New Gravity Pod, and Banshee
    • Added a Crashed Ship, Aethestic, but Must Spawn Inside
    It was the year 2142, and two devastating plagues were gradually chipping away at planet Earth: overpopulation, and energy consumption. The population was increasing at an exponential rate, and with more people residing there, more energy was being utilized by its inhabitants. CO2 levels were so disastrous, that world-wide extinction of plants and animals was taking place. Wars were also further developing the Earth into a barren, unlivable wasteland. The US Department of Energy was on a mission to delay this apocalyptic countdown to Earth’s end by searching far off galaxies to investigate outside energy resources and containments. They had found a planet in the Virgo Stellar Stream, only 30,000 lightyears away, called Xeron, which was displaying levels of radioactive activity that was off the charts. And so, the US Department of Energy worked with NASA to develop a starship that could reach this planet. This became known as the Xeron Project. Once it was finished, it took off for Xeron, and arrived after a very long period of time. When it arrived, the astronauts docked and launched their vehicles towards the bitter land. They drove their passenger vehicles until they arrived at the site. What they didn’t expect was for there to be inhabitants residing on Xeron who mistook them for enemy invaders. And so, the story goes…
    “When looking for new energy facilities, this odd site on Xeron was discovered. But, there were others among them...â€


    "Ahh!" That is all I can say now that V3 is finished! I've spent a lot of time adding on to the V2 of this map. The aesthetics in this map are now pretty good, in my honest opinion. What I have done with Xeron Project V3 has definitely not been done before. I have managed to pack in a large ship, a UFO, a Mini Aircraft Carrier, AND a crashed ship all in the same map. The gameplay is very fun, without a doubt, and strategy plays a key role in one's victory. If anyone's got some advice or constructive criticism about the map, please let me know. I want to try to keep going with these maps.

    The Ship: As said in the backstory, there is one team that starts in a ship, which contains rockets, grenades, a missile pod, a machine gun turret, a Scorpion, two Warthogs, and a Banshee. Aesthetically, it contains lights, windows, a gravity pod (lets people board or get back on ship if on foot) a hangar, a 3 turbine-engine (in the back), a missile pod perch/ledge, and a vehicle cannons. Openings are available on top of the ship, so that the opposing aircrafts from the base can attack and fall into the ship directly. A teleporter is available inside the ship, which leads to an area in the vicinity of the base, just incase vehicle supply is low.

    The Xeron Base: The other base contains rockets, grenades, two Warthogs, a Hornet, a Banshee, and a Mongoose. Aesthetically, the inside looks like the energy containment facility I mentioned in the backstory. There is also a teleporter which leads to an area in the vicinity of the ship, so that if vehicles haven't spawned, you can shorten the long journey. Surrounding the base itself are the ground vehicles, which are the two Warthogs and the Mongoose. The flying vehicles are contained on the UFO and the Mini Aircraft Carrier. These vehicles are accessed via teleporter, both of which are strategically placed directly underneath the destined vehicle.

    The UFO: The UFO is one of two suspended aircrafts provided with the base. The UFO itself looks realistic, with the added weapon holders, suspended engine (man cannon underneath), and vehicle ramp, which holds the Banshee in place. In the UFO is a beam rifle, a battle rifle, and a plasma cannon, all of which are long-ranged weapons for attacking oncoming vehicles.

    The Mini Aircraft Carrier: The Mini Aircraft Carrier is the other suspended aircraft provided with the base. Aesthetically, it contains wings, a semi-open nose (with window coverings), a miniature engine (energy blockers in the back) and a small vehicle hangar for the Hornet. Onboard, there is a battle rifle, and a fuel rod gun, placed at the front of the ship so that it may be used to shoot the hangar from a long ways away.

    The Crashed Ship: The Crashed Ship technically belongs to the base, but its main use is to provide a war-like feel to the map because the broken wings, and functioning turret, along with its angle of elevation, creates a "danger" effect that I think is pretty interesting. The only way to get inside is to spawn in the ship, where there is smoke (coming from the stalagmite), a plasma cannon, and a sentinel beam. Also, the broken wing on the ground simultaneously serves as cover, where a neutral Spartan Laser spawns.

    Compatible Gametypes: Variants of Slayer, Assault, VIP, CTF, and KotH.
    DO NOT play Neutral Assault or Attrition Bomb. These don't work with the map.
    Recommended Gametypes: Asymmetric Objective Games (One-Bomb and One-Flag, for example). Team Slayer and KotH are also quite fun.
    # of Players: 12-16 Players


    The Flight Deck

    Ship's Interior

    Missile Pod Perch and Ledge

    Ship's Hangar

    Openings on Ship's Top

    UFO - Angle 1

    UFO - Angle 2

    The Crashed Ship

    MAC - Angle 1

    MAC - Angle 2

    Sneaky Fuel Rod

    Base Overview

    Overall View From Base

    Weapons, Equipment, and Vehicles Layout
    Battle Rifle x6
    Rocket Launcher x6
    Firebomb Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Warthog x4
    Banshee x2
    Bubble Shield x2
    Plasma Cannon x2
    Regenerator x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Beam Rifle x1
    Fuel Rod Gun x1
    Hornet x1
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    Missile Pod x1
    Mongoose x1
    Scorpion x1
    Sentinel Beam x1
    Spartan Laser x1


    "This is truly one awsome map The time and effort that went into this is effedant. Amazing. 5/5"
    -CPT Jack Hammer

    "JSlayer7 Im a BIG fan of your Xeron maps. They are great fun for those big 12+ player matches. Kudos to you. Bungie favs please.


    "Amazing! This plays great, much better than the previous versions. Loads of fun and an awesome map, nice work. 5/5!"
    -The Missing Link

    "Hi, you must be Jesus.
    It is an honor to meet you and your amazing maps :D"
    -Duck Hair

    Thanks for checking out everyone. I really appreciate it!
    #1 JSlayer7, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    more pic...........no pics no clicks
  3. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh sorry.
    I have like 23 pictures. They are in the slideshow. And I think 23 pictures in one post would aggravate people...Unless told otherwise.
    #3 JSlayer7, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  4. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hip Hip horay Hip Hip horay your using photo bucket. I think it is much more user friendly. But even though you do have a slide show some people are to lazy to watch it so i would put 3-5 pics on the post to "sum up" the map
  5. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pictures are now up. I may update the pictures later, but the ones currently up are the important overview pictures.
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Where did you get the name of the map? From a movie? game? or from your head?
    I just thought it was weird, because I made an interlocked 3d star-type-thing with territories in it. . . was named Xiron. . . one letter difference, with a very small sound difference. Dont worry, I'm not accusing you of stealing my name lol, I'm just wondering.

    Good post though, and ill have to wait and see for the map.
  7. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got the name Xeron from my head. Just wanted to make it sound techy and futuristic.
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats so weird lol, GJ. Err..this is spam, dang. Hold on.
    It looks well put together, and you interlocked, thanks for that, and you have an abundance of pictures, so that's always good.
  9. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To tell the honest truth...

    This map is INCREDIBLE looking.
    I can't wait to play it.
  10. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's quite a comment! Thanks to both of you.
    Lol, That's quite an odd coincidence, eh Kronos?
  11. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice interlocking and layout for a map on Avalanche. Good Job with weapon placement and I hope to see more maps from you.
  12. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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  13. FrenchToastForge


    Likes Received:
    Sup' JSlayer. Good to see you get away from forgeguide.
    Anyway, great map. I always liked it.
    Now id say its about 100 percent better.
    Mostly because of all the extra ships.
    Great Job!

    p.s. This is cptncaucasian from forgeguide.
  14. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Bro! Whatsup? Do you know what happened to ForgeGuide? Just curious...
    Thanks for the new reviews everyone.
    EDIT: Any more criticisms, thoughts, ideas, etc?
    #14 JSlayer7, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map man i love the interlocking you used i loved the different ships in the air gave it a nice space feel to it
  16. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks good (aesthetically) but i dont think it would be that fun to play on
  17. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I actually feel it is only fun given what gametype you play it with. Asymmetric objective games are awesome. Team Slayer is pretty good, and KotH is also quite fun. Of course, I can't put vehicle respawn on 10 seconds, because although vehicles play a big role in the game, I don't want the entire game to be just vehicles. The weapons, however, have lower respawn times, in case the vehicles don't spawn. Each team has a teleporter that takes it to the vicinity of the other team. Other than that, I can't think of any bettter ways of making the map more playable, if I chose to do so, without needing to take away from the UFO, base, mini aircraft, or crashed ship (all of which I really like!). So then, what would you suggest I change for better "playability"?
    #17 JSlayer7, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  18. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    I love this map. I'd even go as far to say it's the best Avalanche map. 5/5
  19. Old PatchworkZombie

    Senior Member

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    It's strange because some of this map is amazing, and some of it sucks, of it's a three star rating from me.
  20. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Could you explain? So my map is amazing, yet terrible? I will just skip over your comment if don't provide a single bit of reasoning. People who aren't fond of the map aren't saying what's wrong with it...
    #20 JSlayer7, Jun 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008

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