Can somebody please explain the physics of this map? ???
I actually downloaded this a couple weeks ago, its a good Idea, but he wants to keep it a secret....Oh well, I'll tell you anyway. The weapon drop pod things, they're not supposed to float, but what he has is that theres a gravlift under all 4 of the drop cases, and weapon holders/teleporters to keep it from going anywhere but down. When you destroy the gravlift, the drop cases fall, and land on each of the radio towers, and whatever is at the other end will fly because the drop pods want to be in the ground, so instead of falling and just hitting it with the power of gravity, since it's only supposed to be in the ground it has extra mass, and would fall faster then a normal item. So its all in the drop pod case thingies...
I think I could make a catapult in one of my maps as a way to get around. You just get on the end and destroy the grav lift, Next thing you know, AHAHHHAHAH, You're on the other side of the map.
I gotta say, using drop pods like that is clever. Those drop pods are the vampires of forge, they're crazy like that.
I was confused by the description I had to download and check it out. It is very interesting that is for sure. -Donuts
Hmm... interesting. Oldschool man cannon? That could make for some interesting CTF. The flag floating in the middle of 2 catapults... Hmm...
Yeah i played this a lot with my friends and it's really hard to aim the catapult. One time we had six people on the catapult and everyone died but one, and the remaining payer got 5 betrayals.
drop pods are essential if your trying to block off areas from vehicals. those little things are indestructable. even when they break they still dont move. they fall so fast and so har because they are bungies attept at makeing a stationary object. if you put a drop pod on a hill it will slide so its not completly stationary.