
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rayzer730, May 30, 2008.

  1. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    1. a loop with a running knot, as in a snare, lasso, or hangman's halter, that tightens as the rope is pulled.

    This gametype/map works well with smaller groups. After about 4 or 5 players it gets a bit claustrophobic. The only difference between this and team Slayer is the weapon selection. Both teams start out with an SMG and Plasma Pistol. Assault Rifles are too powerful on a small map like this.
    Download Map Here
    Download Noose Slayer Gametype Here

    No this isn't REALLY a remake, but this map was inspired by the multileveled Hang'em High map from Halo 1. Of course this is a LOT smaller, this map is definitely fun to play on. It contains three levels with ramps and a grav lift used to get around. the map is symetrical, the only difference is a Needler on the Blue side and a Brute Shot on the red.

    (Parentheses will represent respawn time for each item)

    (This image is a bit older than the map I am uploading. Nothing has changed except the location of a shield drainer)

    1. An Overshield (20s) sits between two shield walls. These walls have been placed to prevent direct fire between the two bases. Gotta keep everyone moving around afterall.

    2. Bubble Shield (45s)

    3. A grav lift takes the player onto a ledge that has either a..
    -Brute Shot with 2 Spare Clips (20s)
    -Needler with 1 Spare Clip (20s)
    Two fusion cores are located next to the weapons in order to prevent too much camping.

    4. Located on a ledge on the second level above each base is a Gravity Hammer (45s) and a Spike Grenade (10s)

    5. On the floating platform is a Rocket Launcher with 0 spare clips (20s) and a Shield Drainer (45).

    6. Two Sticky Grenades (10s)

    7. Inside the open single box is a teleporter to the same location on the other side of the map. Next to the box is a Plasma Rifle (10s), Brute Spiker with 1 spare clip (20s) and 2 spike grenades (1 with a 10s time, the other 20s). A fusion core is placed near them all to prevent someone from simply sitting and camping the entire game.

    (This is a low quality and not very good panorama I quickly made to show the view from Blue Base.)
    #1 Rayzer730, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  2. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    What is with the name, it's wacky, sounds like nose. 3/5
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very nice. clean and small. looks nice for 1 on 1 and i can see how it was inspired by hang em high and resembles prisoner to me as well. good job

    by the way i love the name... you hsould put the discription of the name tho b/c some people are goin to be confused.
  4. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    Done. Thank you lol

    ^ ^
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Noose? For a Hang 'Em High remake map?
    The hilarity of it makes it all the more awesome.

    It's an interesting setup, although it's so small that I'd say it looks more like a Battle Creek than Hang 'Em High remake. However, it has a nice use of ramps to differentiate the levels of the map.
  6. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    lol Well, this is why it was INSPIRED by Hang'em High. And I figured I'd follow in Bungie's footsteps with the naming process.

    If anyone can think of some better weapon ideas for the map, that would be helpful. As it is now...the games are fast paced and fun to look at. Plenty of random stuff happens when you put hammers and a low ammo rocket in the same map.
  7. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    looks good
    but SMG's are more powerful than AR's
    betchya didnt know that
  8. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks great but i can't remember Hang 'em High that well so i will DL to try and bring back some old memories.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Until Halo 3 came out I played pretty much nothing but Hang 'em High, never really got into Halo 2 *flame shield up* and didnt regret it till I played Halo 3 and realised what I was missing out on with Live.

    This level is well constructed for a small, simple map (aside from a couple of things could do with a bit of interlocking for smoothness sake, but its not a big deal) but spawn killing could be a problem due to its openess especially on the bottom level. The large cluster of spawns at either end might be dangerous but playing through with an absent guest signed I noticed they often spawn below you in decent cover if you're on the top level.

    Considering this maps size I think it may be over weaponed. The quick spawn on the rockets seems overpowered especially since they spawn up top in a very dominating position. 2 quick spawn hammers seems a bit much as well but at the same time they seem kinda redundant as there is not much cover on the bottom floor. You might consider removing/drastically rethinking the rockets and putting a single long spawn Hammer on the top platform meaning you have to get up there to get it then go back down to use it. You also might want to place a little more cover on the bottom floor, just a couple of crates or something, or maybe move the shield doors a bit further apart. Barriers on the bridges at the top would also restrict views of the bottom level from up top. No massive changes or lots of objects, just a couple to increase cover and encourage people to use the middle of the map.
    A few more regular weapons would be nice, maybe a pistol for some lower powered accuracy. I like the plasma pistol/smg start idea, really matches the map. I think you should extend that mentality to the map weapon placement and it would benefit alot. Glad to see no BRs as they would be too powerful. I like the needler, kind of fulfills the role of a mini power weapon on such a small map.

    These are tweaks and I think this map is solid. I can't escape it either, even the monitor has trouble getting out. I like the shape you've made, pretty damn simple but it works pretty well I think. A couple of changes to force a bit of flow around the map would help but nothing major. Spawns behind some cover would help on the bottom floor but the height of the map means they often spawn below you instead of at the other end in full view, so its not a big problem. A couple of weapons halfway up the ramps would be nice to help people attacking someone on the top level.

    I like this map despite its simple layout and the name is a really nice choice, it stood out when looking through the competitive maps and an eye grabbing name is important just to get people to click on your map. I thought the post needed more pics but it really doesn't due to the maps symmetry and size.

    All comments are down to my personal preference and lots of power weapons just isn't my thing, but if you enjoy playing it and others agree then stick to your gun, or rockets as they may be...

    Well done on a nice simple map layout that only needs a couple of tweaks, the majority is good and I enjoyed it. I've seen alot of members who've joined in the last month or two and it makes me feel better, I'm also pretty new and I don't feel outnumbered by accomplished members. The spectrum of newer member skill is really impressive, some of the new guys have real talent and skill and you seem to know what your doing when designing and building the map structure. This I don't like as its making it harder and harder to stand out as a noob, but this is just touch luck for me I guess..

    wow, another rant from me, sorry, hope you can be bothered to read this as its pretty essay like
    #9 Pegasi, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  10. Rayzer730

    Rayzer730 Ancient
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    I'll take all of that into consideration. I have been trying to decide whether or not the rockets fit for a while. I think I will remove them, put a single hammer on top, and replace the current hammers with something else. Some stuff will be changed, but the overall idea will remain. Thanks for the critique.

    And the comments on interlocking...I know. This map and my other (Storage) were both made before I learned how to interlock objects. And yes, it is impossible to escape this thing unless you take the monitor form a go into ONE spot. least thats all I could find....

    I'll update the map later on after I get a chance to update. Is there a proper way of doing that which won't get me yelled at form spamming? lol
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If you consider it a significant enough update then you could post as a v2, but I don't think this map needs anything really significant. You can upload the newer version to your fileshare and change the link by editing the post as well, but this will mean you lose all ratings and downloads on
  12. Revenant

    Revenant Ancient
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    Yeah just as they were with Blaze's Battery map. Even though he put what it ment people asked...

    Great map. Seems fun for doubles, but mostly because I don't play 1v1 very often.
  13. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    You seriously don't know what a noose is?? And from your post it seems like you rated his map soley based off the name. You gave no reason as to why you rated it a 3/5, at least try to give some CC. Anyway, I'd say this map is too small. Whoever controlled the upper level would have a huge advantage on recently spawned players.

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