Yea with lights, does it have to do something with the Dynamic turn on or off? Reason I ask this, no matter how many objects that I removed from this map (including lights, glass, trees), there's still a very noticeable screen lag. I was trying to help someone identify what was causing this issue, after deleting 2/3rds of the map, the screen lag was still there.
I will have another pass on it tonight, thanks man. I actually knew about that one. When they were reviewing Grifball maps for MM, that was one of the concerns for Bloodsport, was the screen lag in the bottom mid near the lava pit. Trying different things, removing that, removed all screen lag. Thanks man for the comment.
Well...I'm going to be one of those people that posts an update without pictures. I might get a few pictures up this evening. Been working on a re-forge of Wet Dream (will most likely be renaming it at some point since the visual theme is changing from my original concept). Structurally, it's mostly done. The architecture is partially there. Art (lighting, coloring, texturing) basically hasn't been done at all (Note - The coloring that's currently on the map is there solely for orientation/callout purposes, and will be changed in the art phase). I have it in a playable state. I just need to adjust one of the Strongholds, and then I'll be submitting it to testing lobbies to see how it holds up before moving on to the polishing stage. You're all welcome to take a walk through it. Download Wet Dream (WIP)
Have you seen Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? Just the right amount of campy while staying surprisingly close to the original story. But I may have liked it because of low expectations going in to it.
Maybe when the new group sharing thing comes out you can save the map as a group and open it in tidal. Then you would just have to lay the tidal terrain over the pre-existing terrain... You could even start placing the tidal terrain overtop of it now, and it would be ready for when group saving comes out. And the water would look amazing.
The rest of the images are in the spoiler below. Again, this is in a very raw state visually, but should be a good representation of the layout, structure, and general architecture. Spoiler Red Spawn Green Blue Spawn Bottom Mid (Yellow) WIP Thread Download Link
So oblivion is permanently bugged. Lighting is broken. Im not about to sit here and move the whole map. Say goodbye everyone lol I'm deleting it
Why do you need to delete it? Can't you just make everyone aware of the problems and leave the map for people that enjoy it? Seriously just drunk and wondering
putting lanterns everywhere **** named volumes **** matchmaking my map looks festive as **** like the witches decorated the grotto to celebrate me finishing a map