I went to bungie.net and asked this question and was turned to this place. How do you make the water and the waterfalls and the clones of Masterchief and Elites?
well the waterfalls all you do is save and quit the shield doors in place and that should make it look like a waterfall or water. and for the clones of materchief and elites are modded maps. if you want i can show you how to make the waterfalls. GAMERTAG:COMMANDERMATT1 by the way welcome to forgehub i hope you enjoy your stay at forgehub.
To make clones of YOURSELf, so whatever your model is, make a game, set it up so that you have no shields and 10% resistance. Make one of those things where theres a square of shield doors with a soccer ball bouncing around inside of it. Spawn a turret next to that. Now, walk into the soccer ball, so your screen will turn red for a moment, so you know your hurt, then go detach the turret. It makes a clone of yourself when you die. It only works for connection host though, and they only last until the body disappears.
But those were only temporary. I am talking of the permanent ones like in some of the maps I downloaded.
Just a tip- If you see a modded map, don't download it or reccomend it to a friend. That gets you on the black list for teh rec@wns!
Yeah, there is NO glitch for permanent clones, or real waterfalls. You can glitch temporary clones or make shield door waterfalls, but if you aren't contempt with that, go get yourself banned.