I ever wonder if we can go to far... This was epic... I done my fare share of catching map thief..but by far you have the show for us as well... this wonderful just as much as a BUngie wanbulance!
That map where you didn't know whether or not he stole it is actually my friend Reynbow's map called Strider.
Oh, i apologize for not giving him credit for the map, could you let him know that? Cause i never saw that map before...
Perosnelly this guys has stolen so many peoples map i bet itll end up being a badge of honor to have it stolen XD. Player 1:Think your so great?My map has 2k downloads! Player 2:Yeah?Well mine has 2500 downloads AND it was stolen by bushido elite. Player 1amn.... You aint cool till your map's bin stolenz
Cool/nice catch i hate people that takes other peoples maps and ideas that are new or not likely used so good job with catching that rat =]
I thought it was strider. I was right. Reynbow, I found your map memorable and recognizable. Congrats. 3 Posts Left
Lololol well thanks, I was flattered to hear that he decided to steal it. One question though, if it's good enough to be stolen why isn't it good enough to get featured! =D Oh well lol, btw Linu I love how you're counting down =P But I know you'll stop at 999 so you can post your map. Not that it makes much sense because as soon as you reply to someone saying grats at 1000, there it goes xD (I haven't actually watch the vid in this thread yet ) ... Will later
Well this is number 999, I wont count down anymore. I think I'll go take the screens now. I'll be back soon. PS. 1 MORE POST LEFT
wow, thanks for staying on topic there Linubidix.... this guy stole on of my maps at one point, he stole a crappy old one though...