Introducing The Radiation Map Pack. From that guy who does just enough to get by. Me. Well, Let me tell you some stuff about this. It was due last sunday, but instead I just played RockBand and Dark Sector for like 6 hours. So I just finished tweaking and perfecting everything I wanted to in these maps and now I guess it's time to present them. There are supposed to be 5, but i made a couple extra just for this special occasion. To download just click on the name of the map. Nifty eh? You see, I am going on vacation for a month, and i will not have access to live or any high speed internet Connection. But i will have a job. AWESOME! 14 WITH A JOB! AMAZING! IMA CALL CHILD LABOR OFFICES AND CPS! jesus. Ie is bee a tonn of smart. So here goes nothing... By the way, sorry for not having very many Action Shots. I only keep people on my friends list that i know really well so out of my 16 friends, nobody was on at 4 in the morning. Map 1: Alpha A small vertical map made on suggestion of somebody here on FH. But i cannot quite remember who. IT IS NOT SET UP FOR ALL GAMETYPES. It was actually designed for FFA SWAT and Sticky Battle gametypeswhich you can download by clicking on where it says FFA SWAT DOWNLOAD and Sticky battle download at the bottom of the page. Anyway, ON TO SCREENSHOTS! THE ONLY PART PEOPLE EVER LOOK AT ANYWAY! Up the Grav Lift. Gee, i sure do like Grav Lifts. Bottome Floor, or Basement. The Middle Floor, or Floor A. Top Floor. Now there are several routes through the level. You can take the Grav Lift Up, or you can use a series of holes and things to get up, down, and do a sneaky grenade attack. Map 2: Beta For Beta, i was making it while watching my friend play rock band. Yes, we had two 360's at my house. So Anyway, this map might seem a bit random, and is recommended for Multi Team Slayer, Juggernaut and Infection. However, since i am not a big KOTH fan it has not been set up for KOTH, but any oddball games and CTF games SHOULD work. However, my xbox "crashed" and supposedly erased alot of stuff, so the save might not still be there. Let me know. Screenies not Meanies: A path of Floaty Platforms. During testing, fights would take place from these perches. I even hid a sniper at the secretest point. you have to grenade jump to the spot. Into The Volcano. Well, not really a volcano. more like a fusion coil, traffic cone, and fire grenade launcher. What a daring jump into the volcano is rewarded with. Death. Amazing, i didn't know you could die in Halo.... Hmmmmmmm...... Next Map Broseff.... Map 3: Gamma This Is the All purpose map i made. Every Gametype is set up. I probably put the most work into this one. Like 3 days at least. Wow, what a way to waste a summer eh? OH YEAH and it turns out my school might be like "FAKE" or something, so i might have to repeat freshman year. GODAMMIT! Time To go see SREEN 3. It be has-ing Courtney Cox. The Spartan Laser Room. It is also like the head of a snake or something. I dunno. Think of something arty. If you do i'll give you a virtual high five. The Pillar. As it was so named by a friend and tester of mine. He had several other more vulgar names for it, but i do not wish to repeat them. The Back Alleys behind the pillar. NOBODY GONNA TAKE MAH CAR! GONNA RACE IT TO THE GROUND! I'm a Highway Star. Did you guys know that? Map 4: Delta Seems to me like a map called Delta comes out like every day. But i had to do it. Sorry guys. This was supposed to be a Construct remake in Foundry, but it changed to a Vehicle war map/ Sniping map/ CQC map. Also works well with the Sticky Battle Variant. It is the biggest and emptiest and least shiny of the 5, but its still fun to play on, According to some of my faithful testers. Time to Silk Screenshot. Hopping up the long way to get to the upper layer. I must have some weird obsession with putting Grav Lifts in my levels. If this picture doesn't make me seem like I'm trying to be cool, i don't know what will. Maybe I'll start Sagging. now for the smallest level EVAR! well, maybe not. Map 5: Omega(Basically Alpha But Smaller) This is the smallest one of the 5. 1v1. maybe 2v2. BUT MAYBE. meant for FFA SWAT and Swordanaut(You can get both in the Downloads section of this post.) Screeny Weenies A Grav Lift? Dude Seriously.... Hey, I won for once! Anyway guys, if you read all this, then give yourself a High Five from Me. So basically just Clap. Lame way to honor yourself i guess. Just do it anyway. Oh, i almost forgot. In each of my levels i always put this: So it is hidden in each of the levels except Omega. But to make up for it I made a special Swordanaut only Map to make up for it. And it is hidden in the this Special map. Which you can find in the Downloads Section. DOWNLOADS SECTION Big enough for ya? Anyhoo.... here they are.... Download Alpha Download Beta Download Gamma Download Delta Download Omega Download Extra Credit Map Download FFA SWAT Gametype Download Swordanaut Gametype Download Sticky Battle Gametype And just to be nice, i'll throw in a Sticky Battle Map. If you start outside the arena, just kill yourself. BTW, in sticky battle, you only get points for sticking. I give each person a spartan laser to discourage using a gun, because sticky battles are fast paced and spartan lasers take a while to load up...... and i guess, so you can have a taste of my past mapmaking "skill" you can have This Map too. Anyways guys, enjoy the maps, and i'll be back to messing around here on FH in about a month or so. Happy Forging! if this doesn't fill up your DL Q then you must be magic. Now i know it's 8 maps, but please do try it all out. EVEN THE GAMETYPES. also, HIGH FIVE ;D -Max I PUT THE HUG in THUG
so you want people to down load your maps and gametypes and you have 10 links when only allowes 8 at a time. Hmmm. All of these maps look really good but they all look quite bare. A couple of them look like just couple of structures blocked off from the rest of foundry. The construction on all of them looks great as well. I just still think its funny that you have 10 links when you can only get 8 at one time. Oh and BTW, I clapped.
from the screens i think the maps need a bit more work individually nice forging but there needs to be more
Beta, Gamma, and Delta seem like the only worthwhile maps only because the others seem... as if not enough work was put into them. Love the volcano though; that's a new one.
Looks look you have skill with interlocking and merging, but I think some parts of the maps looked rushed. All I have to say is take a little more time with your map and you can make them epic. Good Job with these ones and I hope to see more work from you. (that isn't so rushed)
Beta looks fun, I doubt i'll get a chance to try your maps, I have limited hard drive space, so I have to be picky...
well the fact that your descriptions were funny and interesting i think i will download p.s. sorry for the fact that you have to repeat school (well not really)
Epitaph is TOO a church. I pray by crouching in the middle, and the 5 gods of lone wolves fight over my body!