What's the reward for this? I haven't had the problem yet so I was just wondering. Like you can spawn more natural pieces?
Old school BTB map in the works http://xboxclips.com/SupremeDavide/659bfc49-5a93-42db-aeb6-874a41a9fdc7
@Soldat Du Christ Ran around your map Colonial. I believe this is the one you were looking for feedback on. I played a 2v2 game on it with you a few months ago and I made some suggestions, which seem to have been taken into account. Overall the map has a solid 3-lane construction with some good sightlines. I find some of the sightlines to be very long still, but i wouldn't preemptively adjust the scaling currently until you play more games on it. The map is a good size for 4v4 and could probably play larger player counts. The changes you made to Red improve the flow and scaling tremendously and I can already tell that I'll use that area a lot more to counter some of the other parts of the map. Personally, I would have liked to see more vertical gameplay. Most of the combat takes place horizontally, which isn't necessarily bad. With radar on however, I can see players getting used to crouching in the hallways and shooting across those long sightlines before thrusting back into cover. There are a lot of sneaky transition routes and drop downs, but not many opportunities to flank. It also seems like you removed one of the stairwells if I'm not mistaken. It look like you've streamlined the design significantly and that'll improve the flow throughout the different areas. I'm not sure what you plan to do aesthetically. I'm assuming that many of the art assets are temporary (the benches) and you plan on beefing some of the stuff up. The airlock switches in particular are misleading as well because of how much attention you're drawing to them, so I'd like to see them made more subtle. Weapon wise, the bottom portion of the map is very heavy at the moment. OS, Speed Boost, Shotgun and Caster are all just a short sprint away from each other. I'm assuming one of these is going to move at some point. OS is in a good spot so the rest could probably be shifted around where necessary. It's coming along though. I'd like to know when it's playable again, although I'd want to play 2v2 on it first to see how the changes have improved the gameplay.
Lol, the weapons and power ups are for different gametypes. Thanks for the feedback i appreciste it, i'm looking forward to see how it changes after you play 4v4 on it
I'd separate the flowers to the edges of the walkway, leave some "white space" open for drawing your eyes towards the created pathways; which is always a bigger issue on nat geo maps as I'm sure you know. That map is gonna look incredible with all the new tools and pieces. Don't let me down.
Good idea. I've been doing a lot of terrain scaling and cleaning up these last few days. Really trying to nail the look and atmosphere of the map since most people have said the layout is solid. I'll hammer out some gameplay on it after and see what else needs to change. Anything else will probably just be minor geometric additions or tweaks though. I'm excited to see what a finished goat map looks like.
If you mean at this exact moment, by the pool if you mean in general...Not giving video games a second of my time lol
I have no motivation to forge right now. Just enjoying summer too much to want to spend it on video games. I wish I wasn't burnt out right now because forge became so much better with this last update.
I'm not very good at measurements.. Hmmm lets see...this is maybe what.... 1 to 2 forge maps? Maybe @Kurismic can help, he's pretty good with measurements.