I tried this for the first time a few weeks ago, and they actually liked it! I'm at 0:50 !!@#@!@#!@#@!#!@#!@# I know it's horrible, but if they liked it, that's all I care about. =] lol\ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Eg12Y1Lvzws
nice what do you send the videos to i have had a idea for one for a while but couldn't find where to send it =/
You don't make the video, they make it for you. Their depiction of my voicemail was different than I'd thought i'd be, but I'm happy with it. To send your voicemails, just send them well, ...your voicemail to the GT: Machinima com
and for those who are wondering, yes im a girl. ****ing idiots. she sounds like a chola! :O those scare me.
Its not loading for me right now... but it goes something along the lines of: -Hey kid, you want some of this? -Well, what is it sir? -It's Machinims, it's like the new crack. -Well, I don't know, sir. -Shut up and just have it kid!
Hahahaha I love the voicemail theater. I couldnt really understand what you were saying but I heard some of it, that was hilarious.