what happened to interlocking? can't be smooth going around. but otherwise good, I love the platforms, and I'm making a map in there too... mine must be better! I will dl to steal some ideas
This map is okay, but it is exactly the same as my junkyard map, except my map has a jucey effect on, and the objects are more varied and are all spread out so that it is all about jumping and fighting at the same time and mine has bases made out of a bunch of different things floating around eachother to make a tower on each edge of the gap in the map. But your map is much smaller and suits a 1v1 rather than a team battle like mine, i dont see many things to take cover behind and i see little weapons. Im not saying that this doesnt need improvement because so far ive seen 2 maps that look just like mine on this area, but some variety in the objects that float and some more weapons could make this map even better.