I thought it was funny too. Like he thought Master Chief needed a house to live in. Bungie guys: "We have all this armor, and Master Chief has nowhere to live with the people who praise him! What do we do?" That dude: "i made a house for master cheif and the people who praise him so bungie please give me new armor" Bungie guys: "Perfect solution!"
It also answers the timeless question of "Where the heck does he use the restroom?" This, unfortunately, opens up all sorts of questions like, "Does he have a wife who lives there?" and "Does his cat (who also wears a helmet) also live there?" and "Is his kitchen floor linoleum or faux hardwood?" These must be answered. I will ask I CAN HAZ RECONS boy.
I would not be angry one bit if bungie gave this guy recon. I would be thrilled at the fact actually. Also the question arises does he eat eggos for breakfast? -Donuts
I have another question. If the chief is divorced where does his kids sleep? and what does he really keep locked up in his safe?
I think the Estate is a way better house. We don't know what armor he's talking about. He's an elite. He wants the commando shoulders by reading on.
He got blacklisted.. funny thread but he had it coming really. I'm glad Forge Hub exists.. B.net is infuriating.
Lol! Bungie guys: Don't ask for recon armor or we will blacklist you. That dude: can I have new armor new armor please Bungie guys: You're blacklisted.
Him: I CAN HAS RECON? Bungie: Yes... Him: YAY Bungie: PSYCHE! Him: ZOMGNO! Bungie: Hah...I laugh at your pain Him:....I CAN HAS COOKIE? Bungie: No... Frankie: NO WEAPON LOWERING FOR ANYONE ON XBOX LIVE EVAR CUZ IM FRANKIE AND I DONE MADE HALO 3 GAAAAY! *Frankie gets drop kicked in the face by every single halo machinimaker in the whole world* Frankie: You...You can has recon... Machinimakers: WE DONT GIVE A @@@@! GIVE US LOWERING ON XBL! Frankie: NEVAR!!!!!!! *Frankie gets booted sparta-style into the pit of neverending dispair.* Sorry...I dont like Frankie XD.
Ha... Locked... And Blacklisted... And Banhammered... And Flamed... And etc... Caution! Rofls ahead! ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL_ROFL rofl
Him: i made hous for mater cheif to go do hs poopoo Bungie: Erm... He'd need that. Him: giv my recon armer Bungie: No. Him: giv my recon armer Bungie: No. Him: giv my recon armer Bungie: No. Him: ill mary u if u du Him: bump Him: bump Him: hump Him: bump Him: hump (his last word) *Bungie makes a Bannity Hammer for Halo 3 and invites him to play. He gets blacklisted.* )Here lies RATED X75( He lived, he bumped, he n00b. ________________ zomgroflolmfao
Do-over on that Blacklist Boy: The Matchmakers army needs recon armor. Bungie: Never. Blacklist Boy: Madness, This is madness, I say. Madness. Bungie: THIS IS BUNGIE! *Bungie kicks blacklist boy into well of fall 2 ur death*