hmm looks small. and you should have a ceiling to stop people from getting out and for a lucky ricochet ceilng shot. il give it a play and my review though. i love ricochet shots. i was thinking maybe a space in the center that all four rooms can reach that has a fuel rod cannon (not alot of ammo) EDIT: and i just realized with my fuel rod cannon idea.. you could always use shield doors to block people from having a shot through the space
cool! good idea, 5/5 maybe you could add one fuel rod gun, half ammo, 90 or 120 respawn in the middle under the wall, so everyone can get at it? Very original and nice interlocking!
Thats the craziest idea ever. Reminds me i was going to make a course were you fire a fuel rod and it bounces all around the map. Nobody copy that it's mine -.-