On the topic of the whole forger/CC thing, I'll just touch on a few things. As long as you can prove that you know the difference between good/bad maps well, you are qualified to become a CC. My view is that the BEST way to know the difference is to have been or be a forger yourself. I know there are some people who will come out and say "I don't forge, would I be a bad candidate?" Yes, I think so. The ONLY people whose opinions I respect when it comes to maps are forgers. I've had conversations with and observed nearly everyone for the past 4 years, and not 1 "non-forger" has shown that they possess anywhere near the same amount of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to forge maps. A 50 year old carpenter is much smarter than a 25 year old man with 2 PhD's, You know why? The 50 year old man has been through what the 25 year old man has yet to experience. He knows things that the younger man can't, and the same thing applies to forge. Can non-forgers be knowledgeable? Absolutely. Can forgers have stupid and wrong opinions? Hell yes. My point is that forgers are generally MORE knowledgeable and better suit the position because they know things non-forgers can't.
I don't buy this and I doubt most of the community does either. They were asked to go up to 343 to DESIGN maps, not community organize. --- Double Post Merged, Apr 26, 2016 --- And this attitude is what got us where we are today. So much resentment toward the CC for being merely competent if that. It doesn't matter at all what their technical responsibilities are listed as. It doesn't matter why any CC were chosen for the role. They are perceived as people who are to help the community improve their maps, yet cannot even explain why some things should be a certain way. None of them should be in the CC and the CC serves no useful role other than to breed resentment among the community. got a map to go into MM, better be on great terms with at least a few CC. And NO ONE say I am wrong on that last point. I know first hand that this is how it has been for some time with at least one CC (no names here, don't go editing/deleting this post you all).
End of conversation on this matter. Take it to a relevant thread. Too many Insults and passive aggressiveness coming out again.
People realize why they were invited up to 343.. It's sort of beyond the obvious. To make the claim that expressing my opinion is speaking for everyone is simply a fallacy. I never claimed to speak for anyone else. To imply that painting all with the same brush is erroneous - and therefore flawed - on my part is also a fallacy.
I can say you are wrong. There is a map in the Grifball Playlist which proves this statement to be absolutely false. The map is from a first time builder, who's map post is his first forge related post ever. Some of the other courts are from builders who have had no exposure otherwise. This may have been true in the past but we have been working hard to make sure there are policies in place to avoid this. We look at all content equally now. Yay! I'm 55. We were asked to go to 343i to smile for the camera and say nice things about the new Forge.
Warzone Firefight will add the first UNSC flying vehicle to Halo 5’s sandbox – the Wasp. Available in forge and custom games as well!
As cool as I think this looks, I can't help but find myself in the same scenario as I am with the Promethean weapons. I feel like it lacks creativity. Much in the way the Promethean weapons felt like re-imagined versions of UNSC weapons, this feels like the UNSC version of the Phaeton. I would like to see technology that deals with similar problems from completely unique ways like how we saw in the first 3 Halo's. There seems to be too much of this crossing of tech. Even in Reach we had the Grenade Launcher and the Plasma Launcher. They were somewhat similar yet completely unique. Now we have the Plasma Caster which is basically the two combined and the Hydra Launcher which is basically just a UNSC Plasma Launcher. Sure early Halo's had some similar weapons, but they were only a few of the basics. The rest were filled with wonder. My rebuttal to everyones obvious rebuttal: Ya, ya, we research their tech, they research ours, blah, blah, boooooring.
Well, the Phaton is overpowered for most maps unless specifically designed around it. The Wasp may be a more suitable alternative to the Phaeton when trying to provide more diversity to air vehicles in play.
The better fix to this is allowing us to use modifiers. That's all well and good but wouldn't an evolutionary upgrade to previous UNSC tech be a better approach? Honestly, anything is fine, as long as it isn't more of practically the same thing as what we already have in Halo 5. This the same thing I feel from the maps. I haven't had the opportunity to play any matches on the official Halo 5 maps and yet I'm already getting bored of them. They just aren't unique enough to force anything other than the same gameplay. 343 is relying too heavily on the community for diversity while they pump out generic, albeit pretty, competitive maps. Halo 3's map diversity along with their vehicle/weapon diversity should be the gold standard to which 343 builds in current and future Halo games. Well maybe that and Reach, as it was no slouch when it came to vehicle and weapon diversity. In short, more is not better. Different is better.
hello everyone, i am having issues with changing the download link for my map. when i change it then click save changes, it remains as the old download link. this problem has been bugging me. does anyone know the reason why this is happening?
I had a problem with this when I first joined, posting one of my maps. If I remember correctly, you can do a "Post Map Update" and it has a "change download link" thing at the top of it, right above the version string. Post the new download link there, leave the version string the same, and just put "fixed download link in the description for the update. See if that works for you.
https://twitter.com/TheHaloCouncil/status/784046024453132288 Not the best way to bid farewell to someone that has been working for the community for 10+ years. I used to be staff at the Halo Council and was really proud of the positive contributions we made for the community. Its sad to see this account being used for the sole purpose of unleashing distasteful comments like this. The staff at Beyond (Frank U4ix) should just stop using this account and let THC remain as one of the best sites that emerged from the Halo community.
This twitter account been used for trolling ever since THC went offline. That is what saddens me, just check its history. They're celebrating the fact that Chespace has retired as the community director and will no longer have any affiliation with HCS. Maybe I'm reading into it too much but I have a keen ability to decipher twisted optimism when it occurs.