Infy Map Pack #1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xInfamous2x, May 29, 2008.

  1. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    Hello, my name is xInfamous2x, I know a lot of you know know me already and may have seen my maps but if not, I’m finally going to post a bundle of them into my first ever Infy Map Pack! Yay! Go Me! kidding. So anyways I’ve been making maps for awhile now and I hope you all enjoy. However I must say these maps where made some time ago, and while nothing is geoglitched and perfected, I still feel the maps are smooth and flow well. Also here is a quick access to my Fileshare.
    Infamous2's Fileshare

    For the Drum roll…
    Here they are.
    Infy Map Pack #1:
    - Colossus
    - Deligation v2
    - Infinate
    - Courtyard Remix

    Scroll down for further a-doo.

    Colossus - Download

    Brainstormed in math class, this symmetrical arena is perfect for MLG and 2v2’s as it carries low and high places for you to hide assault. Although most of the map is open there are still bunkers on either side to protect you from the centered bridge. With rooms on each side and “Oblivion” style ledges for snipeing this map will keep you playing for hours!

    Deligation v2 - Download

    Deligation was created by forging around mindlessly and just coming up with something new. This map almost feels like “Chill Out” from halo 1 and resembles many old halo maps. There are to bases/rooms on each side with hallways connecting them all developed around a main room with a snipeing ledge. Two teleporters can give you quick access from each base to the room and allow for swift moving in and out of areas. I feel the map is great for FFA and 2v2, possibly 3v3 close quarters, but it is an extended version of Deligation as it adds a completely re designed blue room and more weapons.

    Infinate - Download

    Confusing? Yes, but Fun? Of course. This uninviting twist of hallways and weapons require teamwork and skill to successfully rule the map. Made for any game type, but holds only a medium FFA and up to 4v4 team. Within the map, each base is set on ground level as players work upwards to gain power weapons. Two large fence hallways trample through the middle of the map creating a hall to hall type fight, and allowing only few to reach the top sniper room.

    Courtyard Remix - Download

    Story: Well when the first map pack came out, I was quick to test out my ideas on foundry, and well I came up with courtyard. But the bumps on top of staircases and unfinished ceilings really got to me as people started to mold objects and really exemplify there idea’s. So Quick fix, I remade it. Play’s just about the same however a few slight changes and defiantly a lot better looking. This is courtyard Remix, a vast courtyard made for all game types and up to 3v3, or medium FFA. In the middle lies a large warlock/foundation style bunker with bases on each side. From the bases you can go on to pick many routes of hallways and ledges to get from side to side but watchout, the courtyard is anyones game. On one side there is a turret ledge, and on the far side there is a 3rd level sniping ledge… seems I do that a lot in my maps now that I think of it. But download as you please and make sure you enjoy!

    Okay so, now you have it the First Infy Map Pack out! I’d like to give a special thanks to ScubaSteve5722, and Slick Hippie92 for helping test and giving idea’s and to those who helped get pictures! Also Thanks to the many others whom randomly joined during my various tests! Also Feel Free to post any feedback, comments, or love letters… whatever you prefer.
    Thanks, Enjoy, and you can feel free to send me an FR or w/e to xInfamous2x (GT)
    #1 xInfamous2x, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  2. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Welcome to forge hub, your post is not up to the standards of the thread posting rules, to see how to correct you post click on THIS or THIS

    Just played at these maps, all are pretty fun, maybe a little sloppy, but still fun

    [edit] - my bad, it was just my comp, or did you fix them because earlier they weren't working, my bad..
    #2 LOCK.xcf, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  3. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    those are some sweet maps. also, is ur thing supposed to be called 'Invy'.. j/w. 5/5 look amazing.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Just played these a while ago, they all were alot of fun.

    That's me in 4th pic of Deligation V2. anyway, fun maps, but nothing too original. 4/5
  5. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    So are all of these just for slayer, or do they have other gametypes enabled?
  6. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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  7. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    The map pack looks great except the maps need interlocking but the placement of the scenery and how and where you put them are really nice =] GREAT JOB!
  8. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    very nice! great map pack they all look really good! i won't get into details too much because of the amount of maps, but i will just say they look really good. looks like a mixture of many different gametypes (i think) it looks like you could do a lot of different things on these maps great job!
  9. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    very nice first post i like all three maps probably the first and third the most
    well keep up the good work

    constructive critisism:
    ok this is just a little OCD thing of mine could you embed your links
    its easy and looks nice
    am i ranting again sorry just yeah thats all i find wrong with it basically
    if you need more info read the link in my sig and btw :':Welcome to forge hub!!! :':
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    there is one pic in your second game that sort of shows that the ramp wont be really smooth, try interlocking to just remove that slight part where people might get stuck behind
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    It looks like you could clean the maps up a little with interlocking in a few places. Can't really tell much with so few pics, but you can at least tell you're not forge-handicapped. You spelled Delegation and Infinite wrong lol.
  12. maxaronii5

    maxaronii5 Ancient
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    looks good. DL
  13. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Some very nice maps you got there, maybe abit more interlocking needed but even without it they look very good
  14. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    okay wow, so alot of questions so fast. lol
    first of yep, thats you shataaki, and lockdownN was the blue afk guy lol.
    xanon, yeha you know me :p i play with you and "a P3rson" sometimes...

    Infinate was mispelled and then my friend. ironically told me how to spell it, then told me to keep it infinate, to keep his legacy... lol, and deligation idk how to spell it but i like how its spelled, thanks though. :)

    knight: i know i stated earlier that these maps have been dug up, i wanted to post them a few months ago but i can't access my gamertag, until now did i figure i could just direct forge hub to my fileshare. so yes its fixable, i may do it later when i have free time, but it kinda strays the map from the normal all molded look.

    Thanks for downloading..
    and oh almost forgot!
    #14 xInfamous2x, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  15. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    lol there also finally fixed my Url's and made myself at home with forgeup via signiture.
  16. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    Bump~ lol and too say that courtyard ReMiX is out for those who missed my post on the AIM Chat type thingy.

    4th map up,
    let me know how it plays and w/e.

    thanks :)
  17. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Some of these look quite good but it is spelled 'delegation' not 'deligation', the latter conjures up images of rotisserie chicken in my mind. My advice - before you post run it through a spell checker, just to make sure.
  18. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    They look pretty awsome.
  19. xInfamous2x

    xInfamous2x Ancient
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    lol thanks, and read up above for a description on why i kept my mispelled names, but yeah i will do so next time, if there isn't any reason to keep it mispelled.
  20. ScubaSteve5722

    ScubaSteve5722 Ancient
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    Good maps, but how did you come up with the ideas for these maps?

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