I want A render of foundry and the oracle forge thing looking at you. Maker: Al Text: Scopulus Secondary Text: Hardcore Forger color: blue (blueish foundry background.) secondary: white if that's too complicated for you just say so lol.
I think AL since it it a halo one but he is busy...what does he mean a render of foundry like the map? What is the Oracle forge thing?
the monitor is the oricle http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-24052 its that guy and Idk what he means by foundry since theres about 100,000 foundry maps.
just like have a box on the ground with a floati.. just something that looks like forge in construction. Sorry, I know I don't make much sense but I see all these things in my head.
oh ok Scpulus, but this means I have to go onto my xbox and I am going to bed soon I am tired I will do it tom. after I get home from school ok?
Criteria: Main Color: ~Dark Green Secondary Color: Light Green Sig Light (like light or dark): dark Name: Astronum Quote: (n/a) Font: http://www.dafont.com/hard-rock.font Picture (not required but helpful): sorry havent got one at the mo xbox dead but get one as soon as posible Medal: None Spartan Armor specs: Head: Mark V left shoulder: Scout Right shoulder: mark v1 Border: 1. no Special Requests: spartan firing mist coming from Battle riffle thank you edit: i managed to ge tthis but ill contiue looking http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/b...KV_Spartan.png
Yo Scopulus your sig is ready I tried to do it the best I could provided with the info I got from you if you need and changes pm me or just say so.
Maker: Any Specific Size:no Background: Render (s): Render Placement (s): Text:My name Text Placement: top middle Text color: red Text font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Special Other Things: nope Main Color:Black Secondary Color:faded into Blue (if possible) Sig Light (like light or dark): What ever suits best Name:Corey D97 Quote:none Font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Picture (not required but helpful): Medal:killionare Spartan Armor specs:new to forge hub so dont know what it means if what i think it is then:A dude with recon helmet (if not scout & other good armor if its not what i think it means then anything u want. ) Border: 1. no Special Requests:if u cant find halo 3 style wrighting then something like it. Thanks. this is my first sig (and probably best one).:squirrel_evil:
mx that looks pretty awesome. but could u have like the 'hardcore forger' under neath some like on the bottom and to the right a little. Not being picky just askin . I really do like it tho lol.
No prob. I will do that now do you want it to be bigget? I thought that it was t obig when it was the same size as your name.
Ok that is one down and 2 to go I think I can take care of coreys provided he gives an image but that would have to be done after I get back from my dads on sunday...