Oops, forgot a word. I meant to say this game plays like complete and utter ****ing vomit. I literally didn't place a single block. 1: quake only has 1 movement speed? 2: Quake doesn't have a utility weapon. In fact as far as I'm concerned, I've never seen another video game EVER have a utility weapon focused sandbox in the way Halo does. Unless you're talking about quake 3 with the gimped ass machine gun, which is moreakin to pistol starts in Halo 5. Which I don't consider a utility weapon. Halo 3 BR was flawed in that it had random bullet spread to limit the range. The range itself isn't the issue, in fact within it's sandbox it's performed excellently. Halo 5s pistol isn't a utility weapon because it's not a unique Jack of all trades weapon, not in the way Halo has historically followed. Dmr, Carbine, Light Rifle, and the BR are all literally better, in every way. No competition. If none of those weapons existed Halo 5 would be in a MUCH better place (auto/snipe nerfs aside). In fact this whole tiered weapon system bullshit is all a very anti arena shooter concept.
@MultiLockOn "Quake only has one movement speed." Bunny Hopping was a phenomenon that wasn't the norm until later in Quake 3's life cycle. Before people used that legendary button & mouse combination, people ran around the map like you would see in Doom 2016. Rocket Jumping, Plasma Climbing, all that stuff wasn't common knowledge yet. The map design wasn't inherently built with those ideas, yet when they were found, it only made those maps more interesting to play instead of outright breaking them. Quake had its base movement, the Bunny Hopping, the Rocket Jumping, and the Plasma Climbing. Halo 5 has its base movement, Sprint, Stabilize Jump, and Clamber. Granted, the methods of speed between the two games are different, but they have the same basic principle of gaining more forward motion, or gaining height.
Those aren't AT ALL the same thing. "Bunny hopping" (strafe jumping) was discovered in the first quake game as a glitch and it was intentionally put in every quake game following, it's always been there. As was rocket jumping. Plasma climbing was a little more unique but thats no different than rocket jumping in concept, just a different weapon. All of those abilities are part of the base movement and don't require the player to put their weapon down, in fact 2/3 the movements you named require the player to use their guns. Strafe jumping just requires their player to look slightly sideways when they jump and that's it. None of those mechanics force to player to stop combat OR force the player to move forward. You can do any of them while facing any direction, they're also skill based inputs. Halo 5 has Sprint and thrust, it's just a button you press and you move faster. That's it. Stabilize does the opposite, it stops you from moving. None of these keep your weapons up, none of these are skill based, and none of these promote combat. In fact every ability you mentioned in Halo 5 does the opposite, they keep you alive by escaping combat, and they're all fairly easy to use. Rocket jumping and plasma climbing are no different than grenade jumping (which is absent from halo 5 because of its shitty physics engine). Strafe jumping isn't Sprint, they don't have NEARLY the same impact on the game. Strafe jumping is more easily compared to slide jumping from Halo. Advanced quake movement is all a part of the normal movement, it complements it. Sprint is not.
Overwatch must be **** and everybody is crazy for loving it so much. Halo 5 is Game designers putting a square peg in a round hole. Halo has such an identity crisis. It doesn't know if it wants to be a twitch shooter or a slower arena shooter. Adding to what Multi says it takes practice to be able to do quakes advance movement set. It is not as simple as pressing a button. Creates a skill gap. Something halo 5 doesn't have outside of general ability to react faster than someone like twitch shooters.
Most people who started with Halo CE/2 hate Halo 3 lol. There's a lot to love about it though, which is why it's my favorite. *arena shooters need 1 speed
This is what the brilliant writer behind Halo 5s campaign has to say to fans who criticise it lol: https://twitter.com/brianreed/status/738100751155658754?s=15
There's a difference between criticizing and what he's referring to. If you see what kind of **** developers get thrown at them daily it's not that weird a statement.
Okay. If you think I actually have a brooding hatred for this guy and spend my days frothing at the mouth angrily typing snarky responses to complacent idiots like yourself, you're wrong. I used "hate" jokingly to lighten the mood. This guy has a job. He sat there for several years on a 70k salary and wrote the shoddiest, shallowest, undeveloped fan fic Halo story I've ever seen and made it canon. He did a shitty job and deserves every bit of criticism that goes his way. In fact, his sentiment fits in with all of 343 being hyper sensitive to any feedback. But I guess I have to grow up right? Edited by a Chunk Chunk don't you dare delete this. (I didn't - Chunk)
Developers get goddamn death threats because people hate what they do, that's how silly things have become. That's the type of **** he's most likely referring to. If you really hate a game so much that you need to complain about it for years on end then go find something else constructive to do. I've made tons of dumb posts shitting on Halo over the years but a certain point you should just get over it already. You really think most developers get upset if people make thought-out posts criticizing their work? They might disagree with it, but if it's presented in a reasonable and non-hostile way you'd be surprised how understanding they can be. Hating a product and being upset over it is fine, but there's no reason to **** on developers because of that.
No one here, including myself, ever implied death threats. That's most certainly NOT what I was referring to, and I doubt that his tweet was referring to threats either. No one in their right mind would defend that. But this isn't Brian's first time lashing out at people criticising him.
What are @MultiLockOn and @Overdoziz working on, anyway? Shouldn't this banter and back-and-forth bickering be for a different thread like, I don't know, a discussion thread? This is for showing what you are working on, preferably map or game projects, not disdain for each other. You should start a disdain thread.
Qarth looks good again. Ogre time is over. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Buddy Jumps/video/18159877 I'm far from finishing it, though...
Thanks for all the replies about the scale of my Lockout remake, know I understand. So I guess it's impossible to do a proper remake with the actual Halo 5 gameplay, right?